...Ok you manage to swing a comedy legend to make a cameo in your film...what do you do? Dan and Chevy look like they are playing rookie ball even at the mention of Bob...you can't outdo people ideas and 60 years entertaining...everyone...so you cop to that fact then go 5th gear absurd...the monotony and lack of any quick tempo zingers is what's funny...Bob throwing out the playful sarcastic banter is what everyone is ready for....so you have him pop in looking for his golf ball etc etc...then you have everyone act as if that happens all the time...you know what...forget it...you're right...maybe he should have farted or been hit with a pie or say things like 'doody'...god forbid comedy have any depth...but hey bro...they're going to make another Police Academy flick, and Adam Sandler is still around so you're all set....
..oh an being 37 and not being able to afford basic cable OR use the remote isn't anything I'd brag about...you were something like 13 or so when MTV debuted...but you've never even seen 30 seconds...it was made for 13 year old who lack true vision...why assign a vision in your mind to a favorite song that evolves over time? Nahhhh, we can jumpcut and kinda show you 80000 images of what may be T&A before breaking for a commercial with more T&A....buddy your whole aura or lifeforce shouts...I DID INDEED WATCH MTV like they were running out of music...Personally i liked it better when the M in MTV stood for Music, but I stopped watching when they stopped any and all videos...much like the silly spy caper...MTV was filler at best, and-insert any BS flash in the pan here- at it's worst you were standing on the platform with your bags holding your ticket and you say you never saw the train??? Hormones going nuts, only 30 or so cable channels then, no internet? You watched, you liked, we know. And THAT"S why you're opinion of that scene is "saying the same thing over and over again like you know ummm" I submit: The 3 Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, and Even Bob Hope himself...but hey...to each his own..Howard the Duck is many peoples favorite movie...and Carrot Top is Brando and Gable just waiting to break out...I think I understand now....
anyway gotta get my early tix for Police Academy MCVIII: The Revenge, this time I'm NOT missing any of the plot...it is such a lovely lovely lovely set of cinema