How about this, since it HAS been done.
If anyone at all keeps up with Martial Artists or Actions Movies overall, this movie in a fantasy like style has been done via "The Forbidden Kingdom".
But since I brought that up and I love to compare things which are good near identical.....if this "was" remade.....THEE ideal scenario could only be in my eyes...such as
The main star of The Forbidden Kingdom vs Ivan aka Scott Adkins
But Scott could be able to still do it, since they claim a Undisputed 4 is coming out or already may have released...but the kid, WHO would play the kid ??? Years ago I would've could take the star of Never Back Down but that guy has gotten older and Never Back Down is more than 7 years old.
Oh wellz...I've thrown out too many "good ideas" which a good level of potential. So we shall see what Hollywood holds but if they remake this movie, how many fans would actually go versus the big named movies ???