MovieChat Forums > Enemy Mine (1985) Discussion > Does this movie have a homosexual subtex...

Does this movie have a homosexual subtext?

I remember seein this movie years ago, in 1988 I think. I was around 8 or 9, but even back then, I remember thinking there was something weird about it, something that sorta made me feel there was something out of place. Well, I saw it again last nite and I can't help but feel this movie must have a homosexual subtext. I'm not homophobic or anything, but is this movie supposed to be about homosexual men and relationships between straight and gay men? I was very uncomfortable watching the scene where the alíen is pregnant and gives birth. I don't know. Is it just me?



Haha, I never watched it with those thoughts. Wonderful movie!

It's like saying that Dr Huxtable (Cosby Show, dream scene) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (whole movie), when they were pregnant and gave birth, were homosexual. Nothing wrong with that, mind you. But they were not.

If I recall my biology lessons, there are certain species in which the male can give birth. Or that they are male and female at the same time (which is different from being homosexual). Something like that.

"I don't discriminate between entertainment
and arthouse. A film is a goddam film."


The argument could certainly be made for it, since the movie does deal with alternate sexualities and genders. It's easy to read into that since both characters were played by male actors, but Jerry was neither male nor female (the movie narrative always referred to Jerry as 'it,' but doesn't explore anything beyond that). It seems clear that, though their relationship was sometimes tumultuous, Davidge and Jerry cared for each other a great deal. So... yeah, you're not pulling this out of nowhere, but as someone who actively looks for gay subtext all the time, I have to say I don't think their relationship had a sexual element. There was love, certainly, but not sex.

I don't think it's something that's "out of place," though. In fact, I wish more modern sci-fi would explore these sorts of things more! It's one of the reasons I love the movie so much, despite its flaws.

Can you dig it?



There's no obligatory sexual subtext. It seems weird because "Jerry" is an alien and not human like you and I. "Jerry" birthed an alien child not only because he was alien himself, but because of "Jerry"'s alien physiology that, being alien, is much different than human physiology.

This was all explained in the film, even explicitly in many parts, and no sexual subtext was implied either, which would've contradicted the stated/shown narrative as it is.

Decent people shouldn't post here. They'd be happier posting somewhere else.


No homosexuality took place between the two from my recollection. The alien who was pregnant (Jeriba), was asexual so was able to get pregnant wthout having any sexual relations. Kind of weird but that was the plot.


I did not get that.


Probably only if you're already a homosexual.
