Was the Ending a Product of a Tight Schedule?
I remember watching it years ago for the first time and expecting such a profound and satisfactory ending. Instead Allison is dolled up for the sake of comformity - despite the film having dealt with the hardship of comformity - and hooks up with the jock when there had been no interest between them. Then there's Bender hooking up with Claire - ignoring the severe mistreatment she suffered from him throughout. I gathered that like the Jock hooking up with Allison, that this was to show they are all defying comformity by going with those that would be considered beneath them (well, Andrew only notices Allison after her make over but the theme is still there). Yet that outcome feels so contrived and unconvincing, failing to address the themes. Teen angst was what created all the bonds between them, but it would still take much more for the prospect of romantic relationships after knowing each other for only a day. As it happened, the couplings felt rushed, cheap, and hard to swallow. Perhaps the only "Hollywood" ending they could come up with, the only way to have the teens maintain a connection was by having them hook up, yet where does that leave the "Nerd"?
The teacher simply vanishes from the film.
On a side note, who the hell has ever felt a burst of manic energy & started dancing after puffing on a joint?