MovieChat Forums > The Breakfast Club (1985) Discussion > Is Bender NOT anyone's favorite characte...

Is Bender NOT anyone's favorite character?

If he's not, who is and why?


18 years old me thought he was cool.

38 years old me sees him as a disrespectful whining little bitch who has some potential that he keeps wasting.

Vernon while cruel was ultimately right.

Bender could do more if he could get over himself


" disrespectful whining little bitch who has some potential that he keeps wasting.


Bender could do more if he could get over himself"

This is such a common problem. I know my comment isn't related to the movie but I just had to share that I know SO many people who have this problem... including myself.


I like Allison before the make-over a lot. I did back then and still do now.

Bender was so cool back then. Now i am older he is not that cool anymore (obvious...) i understand his character better. I don't feel he is whiny like many people say in this thread. He is a kid after all. They all are.

Being Vernon's age now (almost...) i appreciate Andy's personality more.

Now i read this boards I understand the actress who played Allison plays in X-Men Apocalypse. I am surely going to rewatch that one :)


"I don't feel he is whiny like many people say in this thread. He is a kid after all. They all are."

Yeah, indeed. When we were teenagers we all (at least most of us) used to think that we understand life and know everything while in reality we were building ourselves by learning about life. I think we all had this little shock discovering how ignorant and "stupid" we actually were once we had reached adulthood.


Vernon was my favorite.

Not all the teenagers were bad but I wouldn't have hung out with them.

They did drugs which pretty much made them somewhat trashy.
Bender was abused but was also a total douche to everyone.
The Hobo girl drank (supposedly)

Claire, Brian, and Andrew were the better of them. Brian would have done well in life and met people who appreciated his intelligence/ability. Claire would have had connections and she did respect Brian being a virgin. And Andrew knew he did things he didn't like and I got the feeling he wasn't going to remain that way for long. He still stood up for Claire and Brian and had goals in life.

"Obamacare: It only works if you don't!"


"They did drugs which pretty much made them somewhat trashy."

Really?? Wow, that's shallow. A lot of teenagers, me included, have experienced drugs in high school and we didn't all end bad. I don't know in what closed-minded world does trying drugs makes you "trashy".


Bender is ok but after watching this again, I really like Carl (with a career in the "custodial arts"). :)


I don't know if I have a favorite. Maybe Allison since I'm a bit of an introvert myself.

My favoritism with Bender started to go way down from the first viewing. He was never a favorite but my estimation of him has waned significantly through the years. The high school bad-boy type is just a sad joke. When you top to think about it, Vernon was right about Bender.


I see a few people who started up with Bender then have lost interest in him as time has gone by. I'm similar.
What I liked about him when I first saw the film (I was in my 20s) is he seemed less of a conformist for a high school kid. He was ballsy and had no interest in playing the game. I thought he was the coolest of the group.
But getting older and watching the movie repeatedly, for the most part he sort of struts around like he wants them all to fear him. Eventually he softens up of course, but at first I liked the denim bad-boy. Now he's just one of the players in a pretty good film.


Bender was the most genuine out of all the characters. In a way, he was putting up a facade but he just wanted to be like everyone else but circumstances wouldn´t permit him to.


You'll get the answer to that, next week in detention.


Brian Johnson was mine. That look on his face when Bender is imitating his family was priceless.
