1. Chicks cannot hold their smoke, that's what it is. 2. Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place. 3. If you scream loud enough you can shatter glass 4. It's wrong to destroy literature 5. Captain Crunch and Sugar makes a great sandwich 6. You needed a license to vote back then 7. To become a wrestler all you need is a lobotomy and some tights 8. Claire is a fat girls name 9. When you grow up, your heart dies
115: Allison's sandwich was a zebra. 116: the meat in Allison's sandwich was OLIVE LOAF. 117: there was only one slice of OL on that sandwich. 118: she had a bag of chips but she ate them in the bathroom. 119: if Bender talks to Claire again he is totally totaled.
Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.
132. If you do, you're a slut. If you don't, you're a prude. 133. If you can't use your hands, you can still apply lipstick if you're wearing a bra and don't have boobies that get in the way. 134. Cigarettes make a good Christmas gift. 135. Sushi is safe to eat after it's been sitting out at room temperature for a few hours. 136. Without trigonometry, there would be no engineering. 137. Without lamps, there would be no light. 138. If you're looking for an easy way to keep your GPA up, think twice before you decide to take shop.
141. Andy is this athlete who eats a big lunch. 142. The naked lady says, "Oh, *beep* 143. Bender forgot his pencil, which was why he crashed through the ceiling. Hell, does he even know how to use it? 144. It is wrong to destroy literature. 145. Bender is a *beep* according to Andy. 146. If you are going to mention you've been laid, mention a girl from Canada and where you met her was Niagara Falls. 147. Talking makes the urine crawl back up. 148. Even though a teacher gives you a pencil to write your paper with, use your own pen. 149. Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place. 150. Bender has seen Allison before.