MovieChat Forums > Back to the Future (1985) Discussion > How old is Doc Brown supposed to be in 1...

How old is Doc Brown supposed to be in 1985?

Christopher Lloyd was in real life about 45-46 when Back to the Future was produced and released. Therefore, in real life, he would've still been in high school (just like George and Lorraine) in 1955. I assume that Lloyd was meant to be playing an older version of himself (maybe about two decades older). I started to wonder if Doc could theoretically, still be alive in 2015 (had he of course, not time traveled there at the start of the second movie).


It's a mystery. He always had white hair, didn't he? Most people don't at 45-46.
Maybe he was an immortal old guy.


They aged Christopher Lloyd for the 1985 Doc. When we see him in 1955, he looks just as he would normally. This worked out well since we only see him in 1985 briefly.

Then in the sequel, when he goes to 2015, he gets a treatment to de-age him. This way, his 1985 version doesn't need to have the makeup to make him look older.


It's funny you say that, Rocksteady. Cause Christopher Lloyd looked much younger in the movie Clue than he did as 1955 Doc Brown.


I've always assumed he's 65-70 in 1985 and 35-40 in 1955. Works for me.


nailed it


I always assumed youngest he could be in 1955 was 35, a very old looking 35 lol.


To add to this - I know it's not canon, but in Telltale's BTTF: The Game, Marty travels to 1931 and meets a 17-year-old Doc. That would make him 41 in 1955 and 71 in 1985.


" I started to wonder if Doc could theoretically, still be alive in 2015 "
Well my Dad was well out of High School in 1955 (he'd be 20) , and He's still alive in 2018!


I see no difference between Doc Brown of 1955 and 1985 lol He still looks old


It was the same with Strickland.

I always thought that was an underrated joke. All the people look visibly younger to Marty when he goes back in time 30 years. Then Strickland walks out, and looks exactly the same.


still alive in 2015 of course


He's supposed to be 30 years older than he was in 1955. If that's in his 70's, I'm surprised they never even went near to touching on the fact that he is more than likely dead in 2015, I'll go further, seeing how part 3 turned out, how alarmed would he have been to see that in 2015 it looks like he disappeared 30 years ago?


When he explains how he went to a rejuvination clinic in 2015 to make himself look younger, he mentions he had a "change of blood" etc... which "added thrity to forty years to my life".

So even lets say, 70-year-old 1985 Doc is going to live well over 100.

Plus, he wouldn't be sitting around in 2015 anyway, since he's travelling outside the timeline as of the end of Part III.


I’m talking about the first time he went there...before opting to embark on those adventures


Maybe when he first went to 2015 and found out he had died, so he went to the rejuvination clinic to save himself.


Why not? I mean, we don't really want to over think these things.


I reckon he'd be born in 1910 or thereabouts, I'm sure he worked on the Manhattan Project so he'd be in his mid thirties by then and mid 40s when Marty showed up in 1955.


if you want to see an amazing great fun story about a rejuvenation clinic, check out the wild twilight zone episode "a short drink from a certain fountain", also available as radio theatre on "the twilight zone radio dramas" starring adam west from family guy, well speaking of white or grey hair, i immediately think of steve martin, he's always had grey or white hair, but i agree with what's been said on this thread, he seemed to play older and i guess that's why it works that he these days re appear in different places as emmet brown, funny how the cast (parents and biff) really are not as they appear at the beginning but rather natural in the time travel sequence, marty's mother made up to look older actually looks like today's frightenly frequent plastic surgery, kind of defeats the purpose if i'm right, there was another (though chilling) twilight zone episode in the 1950's titled "number 12 looks just like you" where in a future society everyone had undergone plastic surgery and also that made into a twilight zone radio drama, and the prophecy of the plot and narration makes the episode even more remarkable today as well as frightening and suspenseful. there is just a little bit of some swearing that occurs in at least the second part of this which seem kind of out of place for this franchise since it comes across like such a mainstream family friendly movie that i'm guessing airs a lot, at least in my country though here anything goes no matter hour, i don't really view it as a curse word and i use it myself, it's the other word for crap, right, but i know it's one of those words getting censored on foreign channels.

πŸ—“ 🎸 🌩 🏫 πŸ•° 🚘 πŸƒβ€ 🀠 πŸ“† πŸ• πŸ“…

tried to pay you no mind,
no way to challenge once you decide,
drawn like a boob bee to a flower,
with force from higher power,
moulded my heart in your mouth,
captured and moved my mind.
