MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Am I the only one that sees this as supe...

Am I the only one that sees this as superior to T2?

I love Arnold as a bad guy and I just love the horror movie aspect of it rather than the heavy action of the second one. I connect more with the characters here too


This movie is WAY better than T2. T2 was fun, but it was a bit too goofy in places. This movie feels gritty and real where T2 feels polished and commercial.


Commercial is the right word.

T2 ups the action as well as the philosophical content, but it also injects a lot of cheese indicative of a mainstream, popcorn flick.

T1 plays it more straight, and consistently so.
No to mention that T2 basically retcons T1's timeloop ending, so in a way, that's kinda messed up already, messing with the canon of the prequel.


The Terminator is without a doubt superior to T2. Like you say the horror aspect of it is much more suited and Arnold as the bad guy is awesome.


I liked the first better as well.


T2, like Aliens, is more like a retread of the first movie. It doesn’t really do anything new except act as a vehicle for Schwarzenegger and the special effects.
