what o you like about this movie
this movie is boring , the acting is terrible ,this movie was a mess
sharethis movie is boring , the acting is terrible ,this movie was a mess
shareI love the music, the surreal element of it all, and the atmosphere. I was fully intrigued from beginning to end.
shareHorror2 gets it down in two sentences. There's a "love it or hate it" division amongst posters on this board. I'm in the love it group.
I don't have time to jaw with anyone who won't identify himself!
Honestly, the only thing that made the movie is that Jennifer Connelly is the star of it.
If the star were some other actress that we have never heard of it, Dario Argento fans would not call this one of their favorite films of his.
It's only because the main actress turned out to eventually become an A-list celebrity that this film is rememberable.
I disagree. The fact that Jennifer Connelly was in it had little significance to me. I love the absurd atmosphere, the music, the strange science, the cinematography, the grisly murders and the suspence.
I do not think it is Argento's best film, there are parts where the movie kind of clumsily stumbles along. The script for example isn't Argento's most solid although it has an interesting story. I thought the plot was a little unfocused, but it went somewhere.
I like how the main character is a freak, an outsider bullied by her peers. I used to be bullied too, so the thought of being a freak who can communcate with insects is an amusing idea. I gave the movie 9/10
The plot is a little bizarre and random and the dubbed dialogue is often unintentionally hilarious. It's got a good atmosphere though and has the same deranged, grisly fairy-tale element that characterizes a lot of Argento's best work.
I also always did want to attend a Swiss girls' boarding school, but since I was an American male it was rather impractical. And Jennifer Conelly is pretty appealing in this. She was just a young teenager at the time, but then so was I. . .
"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"
i agree, at the begining i actually thought i was going to like it but it was terrible i hated it and i'm a huge horror fan i don't usually hate horror movies and i'm not even going to talk about the animal exploitation here which it even made me hate the movie more.
shareI love the music, the cheesy acting, the gore, the atmosphere, beautifully filmed. I think the plot is interesting, not a typical horror film, which is whats best about it. Come on its got bugs, crazy chimp sidekick, murder investigation, crazy mother, telepathic girl, a killer with a sphere killing 14 year old girls, beautiful foreign atmosphere, Donald Pleasance, and Dario Argento's weirdness. i guess it is a mess but theres so many great scenes. its fun. My favorite Argento film for sure
shareI've actually watched it three times in a row. It's that good. Atmosphere is key.
shareThe last 15 minutes.
shareI like the nighttime scenes , with the midnight blue tints. I like the Jennifer Connelly character and the Donald Pleasance character and I love how they bonded with each other and the chimp. They made for a nice, cute trio. I love the special school for girls, with its ominous tones, and I love how all the insects rally around their mistress in a display of power. I love the cinematography and the shots of the gorgeous swiss alps. If felt just like a fairy tale. And last, but not least, I really loved "Jennifer's Theme", it is haunting and ethereal. The last word in lovely! And some pretty good kills and a touch of humor. The ONE thing about the movie that I didn't much care for was that ultra loud, iron Maiden rock music. Its goals here fell sadly short. But I adore Phenomena!
shareYes Mr. H, Argento captured a great atmosphere here and while the film is a tad convoluted—I didn't expect anything less—it all gels and works wonderfully well together. Great creepy Euro atomosphere with the Swiss Alps and the film is so very bizarre and surreal in parts, that it plays like a haunting dream or even nightmare. The final 20mins are terrific and Argento really started to amp up the horror and atmosphere here. I don't like heavy metal music, but I enjoyed how it was used here. Not a problem for me and it gave the film a kinetic energy as well. It was nice to see Argento on top from again since Suspiria-77'. I was a bit disappointed with his 2 offerings in-between.
Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.
One weird part was the scene where the professor was talking to the police, they said good night and left. I had the thought; "Good night, Professor, you can keep the head."