Did David Lynch direct this one?
What an utterly bizarre summer movie this turned out to be. I guess Spielberg and Lucas, having already made one of the greatest movies ever, decided with its sequel to ignore expectations and instead experiment their asses off. There are so many "firsts" and "onlys" in this movie it's unreal. From the opening dance number, to the child side kick, to Indy being turned evil and abusing Willie and Shorty, the whole movie is exhilarating in its "who gives a fuck"-ness. Did it add up to a good film? I suppose that will be debated forever. What can't be denied is its campy humor, child slavery story, groundbreaking human sacrifice scene, ending that probably gave more people diabetes than Diary Queen and other oddities render "Temple of Doom" one of the most avant-garde summer blockbusters to date.