MovieChat Forums > Footloose (1984) Discussion > Footloose hater did not grow up in the 8...

Footloose hater did not grow up in the 80's

Most of those who complain that the movie is bad are those who didn't grow up in the 80's. If you know well the era of the 80's you would appreciate the movie.

The 80's era is the peak of dance era when 50's, 60's and 70's dance steps all aggregated into the 80's. all modern dances from the late 90's up to today can be traced back to the dance steps that was popularized in the 80's. The street dance that you see now wherein dancers spin their heads on the floor or wiggle their bodies on the ground is just reminiscent of the 80's strut dance as what was featured on the prom scene in the movie, just to give you an example.

The movie is actually cheesy if
1) you are not from the 80's
2) you just saw it for the first time today
3) if you are from this current teen generation

you cannot appreciate the era if you havent experienced it. Of course everything will be cheesy, embarrassing and quite awkward in the movie if you view it now because its peak and time have already passed. The theme and spirit of the movie is not anymore felt today precisely because it was in the 80's.

Footloose is a classic. No other remake can capture it. It is a movie that captured most of the beat, rhythm, dance and nostalgia of what 80's was all about: simple, clean fun, safe and no crazy gun totting student who would just shot anyone out of nowhere.

Its bad enough that you didn't live during the golden era of the 80's so don't make yourself feel more bad in hating this wonderful classic movie where men are real men and not afraid to dance. In this generation, if you see a man dance like ren do or if you see two men teaching each other how to dance, people would actually label it as gay. In the 80's there is no such label. No malice. because people in that era just want to have fun!!!!!

Nuff said to all haters! I feel sorry for your generation! Garbage and trashy music and movies!


You forgot to say the 80's rocked

"I fought your kind in the great war and we kicked the living *beep* out of you"


I thought Footloose was stupid when I first saw it. But it grew on me and now it's one of my favorites. I was little when it was released and wasn't interested in it then.

Just like today, with movies that are currently out, some people will love a movie and others will hate it. It's just a matter of taste, not really when you were born. I hated a lot of oldies music when I was a kid, then started to love some of it. I like some things that are from way before I was born.


I experienced the era and I loathe this movie. The plot is like something from the 1950's. Yeah rock music and dancing are banned in a town just because a religious dude said so (and other adults are seen dancing around at the drive in scene and they just stop because old religious dude pulls the tape out of the tape recorder- mmmk). And of course those teens have to rebel against him and "the bad adults" and win...what a joke. The token 80's music thrown in every minute is OTT and the "Rebellious boy" who is only considered to be such because he lived in the city, had spiky hair and shock horror danced (while the churchy do good boys in town are man whores). The rebellious boy wins over the girl because he is the reason people could dance - after old religious dude changes his solid stance that was gained over many years due to a rushed scene with bible quotes and a guilt tripping from his wife (who his daughter should be dancing with because she is the one who really changed things not token rebellious guy)...cue more 80's music and the revolutionary dancing victory so we don't forget it's a movie about 80's stuff and teenagers doing what they want...mmmk. Just your average movie made to sell someone's 80's songs that an old religious dude would ban his whole town's worth of kids from listening to.


The movie is cheesy no matter when you're from

People aren't haters, just because they don't like something, that you happen to like. Get over yourself. You don't get to decide what people should think and like, or what's right to like.

I grew up in the 80s. I don't care for the movie. That's not because it's cheesy. I don't mind cheesy movies. The 80s were filled with cheesy movies, that are well liked anyway.

You are stuck in the past, and have absolutely no grasp of reality. No, people don't label men who dance gay today. What an ignorant statement. Do you even get outside? People were way more homophobic in the 80s.

You're an embarrassment to my generation, because you are just one of those typical people, who think that everything was better when you were young, and everything since then is garbage.

Obviously, you're the hater here.


I was born in 1996 and I enjoy the film as well as many others from the '80s.


I graduated High School in '83 and I loved this movie. Was it cheesy even back then .... heck yes, but still it was a fun movie and Kevin B. was (and still is) a cutie. I just remember all of us afterwards laughing how the kids grew up not being able to dance, however, they were all like professionals on the dance floor in the last scene.


I AM BORN EARLY 80s, and was not cheesy to me at all

i love CUTE RUGGEDLY HANDSOME KEVIN BACON,and he grew as a good actor after this.

Love Footloose!


You are 100% correct.
