You've Got To Read This For Yourself!!
Please, please, please - go to I found this link after reading some of the threads that have been posted regarding this movie.
I cannot tell you the disgust I felt as I read the interview with Christopher Boyce. I didn't notice the date of the interview, I'm hoping he was still very young.
In my opinion, Boyce does not deserve to live in the USA. He claims his treasonous act came about due to sympathy towards Australia caused by CIA offenses. And this is why he chose to sell information to RUSSIA!!
I'm sorry, but I fail to see the connection. I might have some understanding had he gone to the AUSTRALIAN government regarding the information he had obtained, even with them as our ally. But Russia? That makes no sense to me. Our government is betraying their ally, so I'll betray my own government to it's enemy? Are they sure his IQ is 140, cause that man ain't got no sense - excuse my slang!
Better yet, I believe he used his 140 IQ level to effectively think of a way to have some "high adventure", his words, not mine. As I continued to read the interview, which mentioned his escape and subsequent bank robberies, I have to admit, I started to regret that traitor's are no longer shot.
I'm appalled by you Mr. Boyce - enjoying the liberties of the very nation you endangered. Shame on you. And shame on any who would ever call you a martyr or a hero.