MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Discussion > Never understood the love?

Never understood the love?



Did 'Murphy' do his (Benny-Hill-arious) "HUH-HUH'HUH" laugh (and little else) to clinch it for those easily entertained?

What a complete waste of all effort concerned?


How dare you.


It's shit


“Shit” is a bit of a stretch. I thought it was just okay, but never understood why it is a classic. It just highlighted what a funny and charming actor Eddie Murphy is.


It's never done anything for me.


Well, that's one way for someone starved for attention to get it.


The soundtrack is great, for one, [imo].

I often wonder (this might be a famous theory everyone knows about but me) that seeing certain films at a certain age, or at the peak of their popularity, among other factors might influence one's opinions on films many of a certain age/generation hold dear as "classics."

For instance, I'm relatively sure I saw this as an early teen, probably in theater, as a big Eddie Murphy fan from SNL and his early stand-up albums, and I still love it.

However, I was well in to adulthood when I finally got around to watching The Goonies (1985), and I was not impressed at all. I know it's "a classic" but do all who think that saw it at a young age? In the theater?

Anyway, that is my theory, which is mine.



48 Hrs was the much better action film, mostly because of Walter Hill's direction and Nick Nolte being there to basically carry the weight and let Murphy do his comedy shtick.

This movie was at least better than the sequel directed by tony scott, which was really, really crap.


I've got a soft spot for 2 just because it's the one where Axel, Taggart, and Rosewood have the most amount of screen time together.


Their mistake was hiring Tony Scott to direct it, I don't think he was a good fit for BHC. They wanted do to Stallone's script for the first movie, making it more of an action, but it didn't work. It's a great looking film, though.


It's a very simple script that could've been written by a highschool kid, but it's all an early Eddie Murphy needed to create an enjoyable flick.
The soundtrack helps too.


Wow, it's been ages since I've seen it, I remember liking it but Eddie Murphy was kind of a big thing back then. Overall, I don't think you're supposed to take it seriously, it's just for entertainment value. They weren't trying to win an Oscar when they made this movie but it was nominated for best screenplay. For the most part, the goal was to cash in on Murphy's popularity.
