Yeah, well, how can you show that on TV? I remember that. Also, notice how much cursing there was in the book? It was like David Mamet wrote it. Guess it was to make it more interesting. The book also changed some things that weren't in Final Battle:
1. Chris is killed in a raid.
2. Characters from the original are mentioned, like Abraham and Ben.
3. Brad does not become Mark.
4. Stanley and Lynn are still with Daniel.
5. Willie touches both of Robin's babies after they come out.
6. Robin does not see Elizabeth when she is born.
7. Michael and Ham see the second ship approach LA on their way to meet Martin.
8. Martin, once exposed as the contact, is living on Earth, but not in Visitor clothes.
9. Robin takes Elizabeth to Brian in his cell right after they bring Brian in and they see Robin kill Brian.
10. They don't move to a lighthouse, but a dairy, after they evacuate the jail.
11. The exchange between Mike and Sean is on a bridge, not in a tunnel, plus, Mike gives Sean his baseball cap.
12. After that exchange, Mike is up on the ship for a longer time, which is told by him growing a beard. He also has dreams that he isn't on Earth anymore and that the ship has left, taking him to Sirius.
13. After Robin makes the announcement that she wants the abortion, it is handled differently, where they talk about topical stuff and Willie mentions what the band is around Robin's neck. Mike also doesn't jump into the conversation for awhile as he did on TV.
14. It takes longer for Robert to accept Willie and there is a whole thing about blaming all the Visitors for one Visitor is like blaming all the Germans for Dachau or all Americans for Hiroshima.