The original by a LANDSLIDE.
There is no comparison.
The original V: Mini-Series could have legitimately been released as a major motion picture in theaters. The one thing that mad this impossible was, obviously, the length and secondly the lack of any big-name stars. The script was brilliantly-written and, though the heavy-handed allusions to Nazi Germany (the hated of scientists/intellectuals, concentration camps, genocide, etc.) got to be a bit much at times but it was a unique take on the familiar aliens-takeover-Earth story and added a real-life context to itself.
The acting was mostly top-notch. The script was awesome and developed every single character perfectly. From Juliet going from mousy/push-over doctor to accepting her place as leader of The Resistance, to Donovan going from womanizing loner to team-player and hero, Elias going from careless street-hood to having a purpose in life and helping others, hell - even a bit, cameo part like that of Sancho (who was in two, short scenes before the ending) - ends up being a key player in saving the day. The ending was equally bleak AND inspiring at the same time instead of the generic "happy ending." It was a very smart, entertaining and thoughtful movie sci-fi movie.
The one bitch I've ever heard anybody say about it was the special effects look bad. But you have to keep in mind - this was a TV movie made in 1982. It had a considerably less of a budget than a feature film and the effects still look pretty damn good, in my opinion. I see SyFy movies and other original TV movies released a few months ago (present) that have worse CGI.
V: The Final Battle was just a generic, TV sci-fi/action movie to be honest. I can see where the one poster comes from when he says Ham Tyler showing up changed the tone of the story. He was too much of a generic, badass, never-misses-a-shot action tough guy. The beauty of the original was its literally a story of ordinary, believable people in WAY, WAY over their heads who are thrown into a situation where they have to band together beyond all their differences/prejudices to save the world. It was a great story.
In V: TFB, it got too ridiculous. The ending was stupid. And - like somebody else said - the Shocktroops were too easily defeated and were no longer threatening. Instead of the "how the hell can the beat these guys?" feeling you got in the original, you were wondering "why haven't they beat these push-overs?" feeling of this.