MovieChat Forums > V: The Final Battle (1984) Discussion > Which is the better 'V' - the 'original ...

Which is the better 'V' - the 'original miniseries' or 'The Final Battle

I may be the only one who thinks this, but being a fan of "V" for 20 years, having collected ALL the VHS and DVD's, I still think "The Final Battle" is better than the 2 part original miniseries. i hav the upmost respect for kenny johnson, without whom there would be no "V". however i always enjoy watching the 3 parts of the final battle the most, i find them more exciting, more entertaining. sure, they may not be as "deep" or meaningful as the original, but to me, its 6 hours of quality acting, storylines and i never tire of watching it..... does ANYBODY agree with me on this, as most people seem to slate "the final battle" in favour of the original....
your thoughts please......


For me it was the original series all the way. It seemed liked normal everyday people coming together to fight off a worldwide threat and played heavily upon the elements of nazi Germany in the 30's and 40's.

As far as the second mini-series, I thought it was progressing fine until, and I'm probably in the minority here, Michael Ironside's character showed up.

That ruined the whole series for me because it seemed they went from presenting believable characters we can all relate to, dealing with an unbelievable situation, to putting unbelievable characters into a unbelievable situation.

I saw both of them for the first time two months ago and really liked the original but disliked the second one for the reasons stated above which to me, made it seem very dated.


Ham was an interesting character. On the one hand, he seemed to be a bully and did not like the Visitors at all, not even Martin, but you did see a softer side to him when he is talking to Ruby about Romeo and Juliet. It showed he had a cultured side as well.


The first mini series is by far the best out of the bunch.

Final battle is good too. The whole magic child thing just blew.

"My future is dead ... just like me" - Beyond the Grave aka Brandon Heat


Aww, I liked Michael Ironside's character! Ham Tyler had some of the best lines in the whole 'V' saga!


I have to say, I love V overall but I like alot of action and the second one delivers it much more than the first one. And how on earth could you not like Michael Ironside as Ham? He adds something that I think was lacking in the first one. For me, I think the first one was a bit too much in the message vein and light on the overall entertainment.


They were both done very differently, and I think there was logic to this, in the original the visitors had just arrived, they were not going to push things. They were getting established, only in the middle to end of the original did visitor troops start showing up more, like they were slowly sneaking their troops into cities and so on and slowly building up power. Whythe family element was needed more in this part than later to show peoples reactions to show how it changes people and the pwoer of the two sides building up ie the resistance and the visitors that was really the main points of the original, arrival, power building, and reaction.

In the final battle things were taken up a notch war wise, the visitors intorduced guard units i.e the gold helmeted lot to protect their faculties as they no longer cared and were too powerful to worry what people thought. the troops ie. black helmets were sent to attack more so the two units are attack and defence, we didnt see the golds originally as they had not yet been deployed. As for the family elements most were too scared by this point to do anything or the visitors grip on the world was too tight, so the family elements were dropped in place of action because we all knew how the families had reacted already so it would seem like padding and would probably be covering old ground. Also the series ahd time constraints so they didnt have time to do such things which sadly led to the ending being rather rushed.

Pros and cons the original did ahve better acting as I feel KJ pushed the actors more than those who took over, the family elements were done well and did open it all up to other viewers who would normally see sci fi as poop,the arrival and slow build up was done excellently and the hint at other aliens at the end was interesting. also it had more creepy moments than the final battle, with the visitors taking everyone from a town and the alien revelations and so on. but I will say the Donnovan charecter was a bit weaker he was more a loner than later on.

Pros and cons on TFB V became rambo sadly the Visitor troops feared in the original became cannon fodder they became totally useless shots and utterly incompitent at hand to hand fighting even Steven? who was ment to be ehad of security didn't put up a good fight him and ham should ahve had a big one on one fight and the battles should have been more two sided not jsut the occasional one resistence fighter for 100 plus visitor troops that was why the visitors lost their menace people could beat them too easily. the battles though were done better and the first one we see when the resistance looses is done well but it seems that is the last time the visitors are powerful really. The ending is too easy I know it had to end but red dust seemed like the easy fix solution and the stat child thing was probably hinting at she was ment to be the future massiah of man and errm lizard.

anyway sorry if I have over posted...


Don't be sorry for over-posting!

I must say that I have to pick "The Original Mini-Series" over "The Final Battle". First off, I'm a film score nut, and TFB's score just didn't hit me the way that the original's did. In point of fact, TFB's score was just 80's cheese, which, I guess, matched the "happy-happy" ending of the whole thing.

The original, to me, meant a lot more than TFB did. TFB kinda felt a little fly-by-night, paint-by-numbers, whereas the original's mixed message of hope amid the ruin sat with me a whole lot better. I think the Elizabeth storyline took everything in a direction that it wasn't meant for, and I didn't like it very much.

What I did like about TFB, though, was that the scientists finally get their revenge for all the Gestapo-like tactics wrought upon them in the original. It's their knowledge and smarts that brought about the defeat of the Visitors, and I guess we have Diana to thank for that, ironically enough. Who knew that one of her "experiments" would lead to their downfall?

Awesome stuff, regardless. I'd like to see where Kenneth Johnson goes with it when his book gets published later this year...


I think the "Final Battle" is a better series. It has three parts instead of two. The acting is much better in the Final Battle, and the story is, overall, better. The original movie was a terrific way of kicking things off, but Final Battle is when the characters are all in the thick of it, fighting for their very survival. Ham Tyler joins up, and he became a favorite character for me. Yes, the last few moments of Final Battle could definitely have been done a lot better than it was. Cheesy? Yes. But, fortunately, it didn't take away from the awesome battle scenes on board Diana's ship. The original movie didn't have a great battle scene like that one. Even the theme music for Final Battle is terrific! If they had done the ending differently, it could have been a flawless series. I think that if they had had today's special effects, the ending would have come off much better.


I'm a big fan of final battle. I admire the drama and allegories to Nazi Germany and fascism depicted in the first miniseries, but I also found final battle's action driven storyline more appealing. Plus, the theme music rocked!


The only thing I didnt like about the Final Battle was the child. The Second Generation will pick up 20 years after the Original Mini Series and disregard the events of Final Battle and the Series.


Honestly, I can't but one above the other for the simple fact that both had some GREAT moments and unfortunate ones.

I think that, initally, the Final Battle improved over the original, but then between the Red Dust and especially the Star Child, it started to strain against the barriers of believability.

The Red Dust I could take and suspend my disbelief of. The Star Child went further, especially with the glow-y bomb defusing ability... it is unfortunate.

For me, the only real unfortunate thing of the original series is no Ham Tyler. So maybe I do like the original a little better. (The book claims that Ham Tyler was flying the helicopter in the original when Donovan first filmed the mothership.)


"If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time!" - Dave Mustane


"Pros and cons on TFB V became rambo sadly the Visitor troops feared in the original became cannon fodder they became totally useless shots and utterly incompitent at hand to hand fighting even Steven? who was ment to be ehad of security didn't put up a good fight him and ham should ahve had a big one on one fight and the battles should have been more two sided not jsut the occasional one resistence fighter for 100 plus visitor troops that was why the visitors lost their menace people could beat them too easily."

I definately agree with this. In the first mini series, the Visitor soldiers were professional marksmen. Just watch the assault on the armary or Mike Donovan's capture in the second part. The Visitors are here portrayed as deadly and the resistance as the ordinary folks they actually were. While the Resistance lost like a dozen people in the armary raid, the visitors lost like 1 or 2 people only (one got covered in flames). And in Mike Donovan's capture, he doesn't get off a single hit and his easily dispatched by the Visitors.

By contrast, the Visitors in The Final Battle couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, while the Resistance suddenly became experts. I think Mike Donovan almost hit a Visitor with every shot he fired! The only one that made sense to be that good was Ham Tyler, since a was an ex marine. But everyone else became able to easily outmatch them too, which was frustrating. I got very annoyed that during every fight in The Final Battle, the Resistance lost like 1 measly guy, while the Visitors lost a whole slew of people. Gone were the clumsiness of the Resistance in the original mini series that made them more like "normal folks", people we could relate to.

This is one fo the reasons why I feel the original is far superior, but not the only one.


