How is 41 old?

Is that supposed to just be a joke line?


Of course it was! I saw it in the cinema in '83 and that line actually got a laugh.


I turn 41 this year, and while I look young, I am old.
I remember when the scenario of this film, nuclear war between the superpowers, was a real thing that we worried about. That seems like a million years ago. The world was very different. Seems like eons ago. So in conclusion, 41 is very old.


No it ain't


Also, you have to remember the two characters in that exchange were both high school students, and I don’t believe they were even seniors. That puts them in the 16-18 age range.

When I was 18, my mother and father were both 40, and I thought they were old! So that type of thinking is totally in line with how teenagers thought. Remember the whole, “never trust anyone over 30,” ideology…. Forty was downright ancient!

If only we knew then what we learned from experience!


To a 16 year old that is old.




That was the joke -_-

I would love to watch this with an audience.


>>I would love to watch this with an audience.<<

I saw it first run in the theatre. Yeah, it got some chuckles.


I can remember when I was 12 (in 1967) a friend of my parents passed at the age of 47. They said he was so young…I recall thinking to myself that he was old.


When I saw this movie when it came out at theater I thought 41 was old, now it seems young to me.
