MovieChat Forums > Videodrome (1983) Discussion > Who agrees this is Cronenberg's best mov...

Who agrees this is Cronenberg's best movie?

I found this one better than his other two masterpieces, Dead Ringers and The Fly. It feels more dark and gritty compared to the more "hollywood" bigger budget feel of the other too. Videodrome scared me a lot more than The Fly and Dead Ringers and I felt it had a much stronger message. Anybody else agree?

P.S. What a great, haunting ending that has been instilled in my brain forever


I think my favorite is The Fly. It's less complex than Videodrome and The Brood but it is more emotionally resonant than any of his others. It's a beautiful film. I'm a sucker for tragedies. That isn't to say that the other two aren't tragic.... The Fly might be my favorite, but his best movies for sure are The Brood, Videodrome, The Fly, Dead Ringers and Eastern Promises

All the rest are great too (NAKED LUNCH!!) but may not be appreciated by all. I'd pick Shivers as his weakest film... I'd pick Crash as his strangest! M Butterfly is the least Cronenbergy film he's made. I think eXistenZ is his most under-rated, that movie was awesomely profound and a lot of people didn't like it.., I don't quite understand that.


I am indecisive between Videodrome and Scanner. After that I love The Brood, and of his later films, Spider, but I can' t really compare Spider and Videodrome, too different.


yeah I agree


Always thought it was his best at the time.
Very brave and provocative — at least in 1983.
Long live the new flesh.

My second favorite of his was my first — Rabid (1977).
New HD transfer definitely holds up.


I think Videodrome was very good, but the ending could have been better.


I also think this is his best


1. The Dead Zone
2. The Fly
3. Dead Ringers
4. Videodrome

So, I dissagree.


It's neck and neck with The Fly for me personally.

I still haven't seen Dead Ringers though...
