Pure filth.

Cronenberg is a hack. His sole objective in film-making is to shock rather than to create an actual, visceral film. I guess he can't do anything that takes genuine thought, so instead he just tries to be gross and disturbing.

David Cronenberg sucks.


Shock can be good. It made me wonder what the hell I was watching. A lot of people consume media, never giving a second thought to what it is they are watching and listening to, and who it is making, producing, writing and shooting this stuff. There are faces behind faces, people behind people all the way up.

This movie is a good wakeup call.

But it could be interpreted in a number of ways.


Lol I love the reactions movies like this get from some people!


So no genuine thought to how media and TV can be used to control and manipulate an audience?


Cronenberg is not a hack. There's no objective way to prove otherwise.


How can filth be pure? Please explain that to me. You could have written “unadulterated filth,” which would have made actual sense, but your vocabulary is not that large.


The best kind of filthy is pure.


Since when was filth a bad thing?”

From “Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex”:

WOODY ALLLEN Is sex dirty?

GOD It is if you’re doing it right.


It's a masterpiece.
