How does Luke construct his lightsaber?

Luke has no knowledge of Jedi technology so how is he able to construct his own lightsaber?


He probably forced the issue.


Sick murdering sumbitch probably killed another Jedi and stole it off their corpse and pretended he made it. That dude is a total scumbag.


I'm guessing, in the time period between Episode V and Episode VI (which was just one year), either he found some ancient documents, or Yoda supplied them, on how to construct a lightsaber. I mean, it was a matter of practicality considering he lost his dad's lightsaber when Vader cut his right hand off, so he would have had to make a new one anyway.

An ancient ritual that all Jedi for tens of thousands of years had conducted to signify their training was done was to construct their own lightsaber.

They had to first get all the components, saving selecting the Kyber crystal (the most important part) for last. The Jedi then had to go to a specific planet (there are several) to find their Kyber crystal to put into it, go to some quiet or holy place for the Jedi, whether with their master or alone, and construct the lightsaber handle exclusively with telekinesis. They finished the ritual with picking it up and activating it.

I'm surprised nobody wrote a story about Luke constructing his lightsaber, because trying to do so in a galaxy ravaged by the empire would have been extremely difficult, in addition to finding a planet with Kyber crystal mines (I think the Empire had control of most of them).

There's some interesting lore surrounding the selection of Kyber crystals. The original lore I heard was that when a newly graduated Jedi selected their crystal, they had to walk through the cave and feel for a crystal that resonated with them telepathically. The Kyber crystals are special because they are partially alive, and work with the Jedi when using their lightsaber.

The Sith, on the other hand, usually had issues finding a crystal that would accept them, so usually they had artificial Kyber crystals grown in a lab to power their lightsabers, hence why all Sith have red energy blades, but Jedi have a variety of colors, such as blue, green, yellow, and purple.
