My impression was always that the Emperor had lost all faith in Darth Vader to get the job done and so he was gonna supervise this one personally. He knew his kid was in play too and Darth's head would be all screwed up. Pulling from the prequels, Anakin's flaw was always a weakness for family and Palpatine knew this. But ignoring them, he's simply a screw up. there's no way in hell the Emperor didn't feel Yoda and Obi-wan's meddling. The Force goes both ways. He knew it was a potentially dangerous move. I've said this for years but Lando is Force zero, where as Han stinks of the stuff. Lando and the Falcon was a total wild card that the Emperor could not detect. End of the day, Obi-Wan's gambit succeeded. He raised Luke as an innocent lamb and dumped him into a slaughter house knowing Anakin would finally do the right thing because he f'n knew that kid.