
Appart from the occasional funny bit this film was absolutly terible. I just attended a Phython tripple bill at my local cinema. This was shown last and many people left even before this film began. I can see why now.

Why were the Phythons alowed to film this awfull script. The thing that made Grail and Brian so fantastic was the main character holding the film together. Someone should have noticed that the script was rubish and made them write a better one


In my opinion... if youre doing a movie about life in general, you have to realize, life is NEVER about one person. Holy Grail and Life of Brain are basically about one person (as in Life of Brian) or one group (the knights in Holy Grail). So that is why there are so many different characters.


omg i don't know how some one could not love this film its friggin fantastic i live the part about death where "the grim reaper" is tearing into the american
" you americans you never stop talking do you, its always let me tell you something and i've just got to say this. well your dead now so shut up!!!!"
i just love the camera work.

and the fish scene "a fish a fish a fishy oohhhh" i love all the gross bits the sex ed class the fat man "it is but waffer thin" and the liver doners one, could they have found a more ugly suit for eric idle to wear "just remember that you standing on a planet thats evolving, revolving at 900 miles and hour..."

anyone who wants a frickin' good laugh just watch it already!!!!


Oh come on !!!! what about the part at the begining This is the machine that goes Ping *PING* This is to make Sure your Baby is STILL ALIEVE !!!!!


Oh come on !!!! what about the part at the begining This is the machine that goes Ping *PING* This is to make Sure your Baby is STILL ALIEVE !!!!!

I remember when I posted this two years ago. As I've aged I realized it's not as funny as I once thought. I've realized it's not Python's best work. and I have to agree withe the person back then who said the Life of Brian and The Holy Grail was their best work and I now agree.


Totally with you, this is by far the poorest of their four cinema outings.

Part of the Python's appeal is their sheer randomness, but in MOL they were trying so hard that it wasn't random anymore. Most of my laughs were raised because of a nervous embarrassment frankly - though my girlfriend thinks it's a hoot, and got really narky when I criticised it!

Brian and Grail are far, far superior in my opinion.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass"
"You will suffer me"


Worse than And Now For Something Completely Different? Wow, that's harsh.

Ant farms: cruel and barbaric, or not that bad really?





I gotta agree, it isnt the best they've come up with, but then its also very different to grail and Brian so it's harder to compare. I think the songs are pure genious, and at times it does have me in hysterics, but i do feel some momemts arent as good. I thought the crimson permanent assurance bit was poor at first, but it does grow on you, and after...several... times of watching it does achieve some funny moments.

i'd give it an 8/10 for films in general, and a 6/10 for Python exellance...


I don't even know why I should care about what other people don't like about the film, but in this case, for some reason, I can't help myself. I think this was the slickest of all their films. I think people don't like it because it's borderline surrealism (I couldn't help thinking about Bunuel's films at some times).

My favourite part is in fact the Crimson Permanent Assurance bit.


i like the full monty phython


It's Brillliant , at least state some reasons why you think its terrible? but in my opinion you are soooooooooooooo wrong. Best monty python movie ever

"I'm out Jerry, And I'm loving every minute of it !"


There are portions of this film that are funnier, and more brilliant than any comedy I've ever seen. Sure, the film is not perfect. However, even the grotesque nature of several scenes masks the fact that the film contains real IDEAS. Hollywood will probably never make another comedic film like this one ever again. The lowest common denominator (that is, toilet and sexual-related humor with no depth or subtext) seems to satisfy enough people that they keep churning out that kind of rubbish.

Brilliant bits:

1. The Protestant couple.
2. The Sex Ed. lesson.
3. The segment with Palin as the drill sergeant.
4. The entire Zulu War sequence.
5. The entire Angel of Death sequence, which somehow manages to be funny and unsettling at the same time (the same can be said of the entire film, in some ways...)

And the cinematography is just great.

As the poet Jagger once said,"You can't always get what you want".


This is not in reply to any of the posts in particular, but just wanted to say I hate this site, sorry, just realized, goodbye.


this is my absolute favorite musical!

A MINICAM!!!??? - Francine Fishpaw


I wouldn't say it was terrible, but it's certainly the weakest of the three. I still laugh everytime I see the John Cleese sex scene though. 'We'll take foreplay as red, shall we dear?'


It has been one of my all time favorite movies for over 20 years. Sure it may
not be for everyone, but there are those of us that go into hysterics every time
we see it. Mr. Creosote has gotta be the most out there over the top scene in any
movie ever, I wonder what the studio execs thought of Mr Creosote the first time
they saw that scene - we're paying them how much for this ?. The Protestant
couple is a real good laugh, " I can buy a French tickler if I want"

