MovieChat Forums > The Black Adder (1983) Discussion > Which is your fav episode!?!?

Which is your fav episode!?!?

I would have to say a the last episode of blackadder goes forth... goooooodbyeeeeeeeeee

Makybe Diva- Melbourne Cup Winner 2003, 2004, 2005. What A Champion!!!!


Absolutely. It's so bittersweet, it's the hardest for me to watch, but that final scene is pure beauty.


All from the 2nd season.


Season II - The Baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells.


That is the Episode called "Money." The Bishop show up at the door, while Blackadder is in asleep in his bed, with Molly, the prostitute.




I simply can't choose an overall favourite, so I'll choose one from each series:
Black Adder: The Archbishop
Blackadder II: Chains (truly, Hugh Laurie is outstanding. Also, I could watch the "scythe" scene on repeat :D )
Blackadder III: Ink and Incapability (apex of intelligent british comedy)
Blackadder goes fourth: Corporal Punishment

"He drank. He fought. He made his ancestors proud!"
