MovieChat Forums > The World According to Garp (1982) Discussion > How old were you when you first watched ...

How old were you when you first watched this movie?

I was 11 and I thought it was awesome but my mom said that she thought it was confusing(then again it was like 2:00 in the morning when we decided to watch it and she was falling asleep)It's one of my favorite movies. When I tell people this they're like, What movie is that....they never even heard of it...But, whatever. I still love this movie!!

"What is that VELVET?!"- Old Jewish Guy


I was 23, saw it in the theater, and have loved it ever since. Am listening to the book on CD, for the first time since I read it circa 1980. It's just as wonderful as ever.

--Jack, you have debauched my sloth!


I had just graduated high school & was taking a loooong train trip from Texas to California & I read that book-day & night. I laughed out loud, especially @ Garp's writings, & cried. Being young, I tried to convince myself that Walt had not died, & that John Irving just forgot to write anything else about him, lol. Just too much pain. A couple of years later, I saw the movie & loved it. It was different than the book, but that was o.k., because there was no way it could've been the same. The movie would've gone on for 6 hours. Seriously. I never understood the critics hating the movie. Maybe because they were expecting slapstick Mork? Being young, I didn't realize that I had just read the best book of my life & that no others would ever measure-up. My older brother feels the same way.


I was 17 when I first saw this movie and I instantly became a John Irving fan. Being a wrestler I also related well to Irving's perspective on life. His books have always been better then his movies although most of the movies about his books have been pretty good. It's interesting that he portrays the fictional Steering Academy (which is clearly meant to reflect his time at Phillips Exeter academy where his father was a member of the faculty. With the exception of the Academy, Exeter is a really blue collar area, bordered by areas like Hampton Beach, Rye and the like.


38 (first watched today). Do I win a prize for being the oldest?



Was 23 in the theater. Had loved the quirky book and thought the film mostly captured the theme of the book but in no way could it include all the rich detail. The plane crashing into the house I think was only in the film.


I was 16 (almost 17) and my gf had just turned 16 the month before, when we saw it on opening weekend. She'd already read the book, but I hadn't. We both absolutely loved the movie. On the way back to her parent's place, I asked her how it was compared to the book. She said it was quite different, but it did capture the spirit of the book (in the theatre, she was laughing to herself even before Jenny opened the window and said "Garp bit Bonkie."). I also asked if Garp dies at the end of the book. All she said was, "Read the book."
I begged her to tell me, but she wouldn't. I actually didn't get around to reading it until about 5 or 6 years ago. I regret that I waited so long. It had been on my shelf for about 10 years before I got around to it. It was quite simply one of the best books I've ever read.

Oh spiffing. Absolutely spiffing. Well done. Two dead, twenty-five to go.
-Basil Fawlty


I was only 20 when this movie was made, but didn't see this movie until early 40's.


Just saw it for the first time, about two nights ago, on Starz. Always wanted to see it, but never got a chance until two nights ago. Interesting movie...

"May You Live To See The Dawn"


I was 15 or 16.
