Fun trivia for this movie
I watched this wonderful group meet-up interview some of the younger cast members had a few years ago (it was in honor of one of the film's anniversaries some time in the early 2000s). Former cast members included Drew Barrymore, the kid who played Eliot, and a few other people. I really wish I could find a video of it for all of you to watch, it was so much fun, and you even got to see some behind-the-scenes footage when the movie was being made.
Fun trivia for this movie includes:
- Spielberg's inspiration for ET was the Gerber Baby (and they showed concept art in how ET's look evolved through different ideas to the alien we know today)
- sometimes when Drew was not being filmed for a scene, and ET wasn't either, she'd actually go over and start talking to the puppet like he was real, and the puppeteers decided to have some fun and move him a little bit, to temporarily fool her into believing he really was real
- they showed the star's audition video, revealing that he won the part by doing an amazing job of tearfully pleading the alien's case to the authorities, and then the casting director says, "Okay kid, you got the job." :D
- turns out Spielberg got close enough to the cast members to treat them like family long after the film was over with, and he still talks to them, or sends them letters from time to time. Drew even told about how, after she posed for Playboy for the first time, Spielberg sent her a quilt in the mail with a note that said "Cover up," which made her laugh
- the nickname they gave the govt. guy who was hunting ET in the film was "keys" because until the house was quarantined and he shows up in the hazmat suit, you don't see him except for his belt and the keys jangling from it
There was more, but until I can find the video, that's all I can remember.