Axcess May 1997
by Alison Rosen
Jill, the make-up artist, who happens to be a close friend of Jovovich's from years ago, asks if The Fifth Element is "Blade Runner-ish?"
Milla Jovovich: You can compare it to Blade Runner only because it's futur- istic," she says. "I would compare it more to Star Wars than Blade Runner, because it's really fun. Blade Runner was very dark. New York City in this movie is very bright. There isn't enough space, so people build up. The richer you are, the farther up you live, and the poorer you are, the lower down. But all the smog stays down, so if you have enough money, you live above the smog where the air is clear, and if you go down it's all dusty and dirty and horrible." --- (
Milla Jovovich on 'ULTRAVIOLET'
Contributed by Michael J. Lee, Executive Editor
for Radio Free Entertainment
March 2, 2006
Were all of the stylized buildings in Ultraviolet just sets and miniatures, or did the locations in China actually feature some of that futuristic-looking architecture?
Milla Jovovich: Oh, man, it was amazing! Like in Hong Kong...I mean, it's like Blade Runner times ten. They have freeways that are like multi-layer freeways. And you're driving on the freeway, and you see a building, and then you look down, and you're like halfway up the building, on the freeway. So it's all built "up." And there's high-rises up in the mountains. And Shanghai is crazy because they have the most modern architecture, but it's kind of a strangely set up city, because it's not like the modern architecture is there for people to enjoy. It's just business...It's not like you have a restaurant around there, or a plaza. And then you have to go like "all the way over there" for like restaurants. So that was kind of annoying, because there's so much amazing stuff, but there's nowhere to kind of sit down and take it all in...So hopefully they'll incorporate that kind of architecture with something more pleasurable.
An Interview with Milla Jovovich
By Denzel Walkes
How was it working with the Mexican crew and with Eugenio Caballero?
MJ: It was such an amazing thing to work with him because he is so talented and he showed me all the books for Pan’s Labyrinth which were just unbelievable. He had all these diaries where he kept all the photographs, the feelings of the inspiration, his writing, just incredible and he’s just such a cool guy. I think it’s funny because the Mexican people in general were very cultural and there is a lot of cultural diversity over there. They have really great museums and a really sophisticated city in Mexico city and you’ve got a lot of young artists there and it was a really great feeling in that sense like a lot of young people that are very creative which I love and it reminded me of Berlin actually, it was like “oh you can actually compare those too cities”. I had an amazing time too because I got a chance to go see the pyramids. So I went a few times and it was unbelievable. The second time I went it was pouring down with rain which was really great because no one was there so we were like the only people there and I have some great pictures of the pyramids that almost look like blade runner. I almost feel like blade runner took inspiration from the pyramids for their building because they look so modern… I loved it.
"I think, Sebastian, therefore I am." --- Pris (Blade Runner)