Christopher Nolan was highly influenced by "Blade Runner", in order to capture a dark, and very bleak atmosphere within "Batman Begins."
Now for "The Dark Knight", he used Michael Mann's "Heat" as an influence. And the cinematography in that film is different, but equally as gorgeous. And he used Michael Mann's way of navigating Las Angeles, as a way for him to navigate Gotham City, and go to different places. And like "Heat", it's more of an ensemple film, and a police procedral type of film, instead of a character study.
I'm getting kind of side-tracked here. But my point is that Ridley's influence with "Blade Runner" has no limits at this point. You can even see simularities in Zack Snyder's film adaptation of the "Watchmen." And there is an anime called "Ergo Proxy", that looks, and feels exactly like "Blade Runner." It's probably one of the best animes that I've seen at this point in my life.
P.S: I just wanted to mention that Nolan was also highly influenced by Stanley Kubrick, with "2001: A Space Odyssey." Which was pretty obviouse during "TDK."
Last Films Seen:
Free Willy(1993)- 7/10
Bowling for Columbine(2002)- 8.5/10