Favorite Episode?

One of my favorite episodes is the one where Dick hosts Good Morning Vermont and his guest is the owner of the worlds smallest horse. Then people start calling in to claim that they have a smaller horse. Does anyone remember that one? What are your favorites?


I like the halloween episode where everyone's convinced Dick is an alien. Great episode.


ghoolsby» Mon Oct 7 2013 05:52:30
like the halloween episode where everyone's convinced Dick is an alien. Great episode.

Then Larry, Darryl and Darryl look at them is disgust and say,"What a bunch of rubes."

Or when Dick, pretending to be an alien, improvises some ridiculous gibberish and Chester says, "Come on, Dick, no alien talks like that."


Just read all the responses and you folks named many of the best episodes.

The one that always stood out to me was not mentioned. It was in the first season, when Dick is invited to play golf with Jim, Chester, and one other man. He is reluctant, especially when they explain their elaborate gambling on virtually every shot and hole.

Spoiler alert, if you haven't seen this one:

We don't see them on the course, but when they arrive back at the clubhouse, Dick is astonished that he cleaned them out, winning a huge sum of money. I think Jim boasted of his two miserable nine-hole scores as though they were great, something like, "Twin 57s!" They then announce that they intend to win some of it back at poker--except they are as bad at poker as they are at golf.

Dick is most upset at winning so much money, so he proceeds to try to give it back the next week. He golfs on purpose like I do naturally, but is still far ahead. Because they don't understand how to play poker, he can't find a way to lose to them. Then he comes up with the simple game of "Cut" where he and Chester would cut for high card, double or nothing, with the three of them sharing everything when they win.

His plan is to keep cutting until he loses. But he keeps winning and Jim keeps totalling how much they have lost so far, not understanding that as soon as they win one time, they are even. With each cut, he gets more panicky--"Twenty-four hundred dollars!", "Forty-eight hundred dollars!" "Nine-thousand, six-hundred dollars!", etc. At one point, someone bemoans, "I'll have to sell my house." Despite their pleading, Dick practically yells at them, "Cut!"

When the trio finally wins, instead of realizing they are even, they now think Dick owes them many thousands of dollars. Dick explains that they are all even and he doesn't want to play golf or poker with them anymore because they are terrible at it. He storms out, and they say, "Gee he sure is different than (our former playing partner)." "Yeah, he used to clean us out every week but he never got mad about it."


I saw that one recently and you are right! A great and funny episode!



Altogether I consider something between 1/3 & ½ of the entire 8 year run to be “favorite episodes” (not because I can’t make a choice but because the show really was that good) and you’ve just named one of them! I’ve not seen that one in years, but remember it so well.


I guess my very favorite has to be the Thanksgiving episode when the inn is closed for repairs, so everyone goes to visit Stephanie's parents in their huge mansion.

Mr. VanDerKellen: Dick, how about a round of golf? We can get in nine holes before lunch.
Dick: It's 30 degrees outside.
Mr. VDK: Who said anything about going outside?

I also love the episode when Joanna unknowingly joins the witches' coven.


That was weird when Joanna joined the witch group. But funny!



The telethon episode. The premise of using a telethon for a commercial station is hilarious; but, even funnier was watching Dick's slow deterioration and his groggy worship of Stephanie's version of Old Man River.


Bob was really hilarious in that one. A departure from his usual straight man.

