Way Too White

I feel this is is just too white. Too privileged. Watching this white patriarchy, every days life, living in privilege during the Regan 80s is just too much.

It’s flat out racist toward blacks and Asians. The show is just too republican despite being written by liberals.


That's Ok.. That's how we felt about Sanford & Son or the Cosby Show or even A Different World


At the time that this series came out the racial demographics of the country were 81% white, 11% black, 4% Hispanic with the remaining percentages being either Asian and Native American. The country was 81% white! Let that sink in! Of course most of the shows from the time were going to be geared towards white viewers. Why do people consider that racist? How about all of you race baiters go over to India, or China or Japan and see how many white people are in their films. I'll help you out- almost none, but somehow to all you race baiters that's not racist.

Truth be told all of you who are complaining are either racist against white people, or you are white and have so much white guilt that you are so dumb that you hate yourselves.


Shitty sitcoms are shitty sitcoms, regardless of the casts's complexion. Chris Titus was right on the money, when he assessed this type of entertainment, back in the early 2000s. It wasn't until basic and premium cable started making scripted comedies that any of these shows became remotely funny


I have no idea who Chris Titus is, and I never saw any premium cable scripted comedies. I stopped watching sitcoms around the year 2000.


The show was great for it's time but in modern times, of course you're going to shit on it..


If it is too white then perhaps you might enjoy something like The Cosby Show or A Different World.


Given that I have seen more of the OP's posts his OP here makes me feel this was said tongue in cheek.
