MovieChat Forums > Cheers (1982) Discussion > Would Rebecca's job really exist in any ...

Would Rebecca's job really exist in any bar?

Rebecca doesn't ever seem to appear behind the bar "managing" the bar. She simply appears from the back office from time to time when she needs to interact with the other characters.

How could such a role even exist? The staffing levels on Cheers were always a bit questionable (would you really need two bar tenders and two waitresses on at all times in a bar that size?) but surely her position would really be an area manager floating over multiple bars owned by the corporation...

They basically replaced a waitress job with a back office manager on a much higher salary. No wonder they're always saying the bar isn't making any money!


As far as the waitresses, maybe it’s not showed but maybe the bar offers food hence you would need a manager like Rebecca


I don't think so - There's the restaurant upstairs, which there's the staircase to at the back.

It's never been mentioned that it's owned by the same corporation but if it was, that would give some justification for an office only manager maybe...

I think the waitresses maybe work in that sort of bar, where people sit down and order their drinks from the table. I'm just assuming that's a thing in some US bars mind you.


Pure plot convenience.

But realistically, as you said, a large corporation owning several bars would have a "floating" manager going around to different locations. But did the corporation Sam initially sold it to have any other bars? I can't quite remember what other businesses it did own.


Not sure. There was an episode when they brought Sam in as a ringer for the corporate softball team and there was a large number of execs but I don't think they mentioned any specific business.

Actually if she had been a floating manager it may have worked well as a plotline to introduce rivalries with various bars, rather than what they did with Gary's.


The show is not a realistic portrayal of a bar.


Wow! I never would've figured that out on my own!!😱

Thank you for that profound insight of revelatory & enlightening wisdom Captain Obvious!!

(sarcasm off now)πŸ˜›


This reponse is for the OP who obviously doesn't understand.


Gee thanks - I thought I'd been watching a fly on the wall documentary this whole time!

Thanks for explaining it to me, makes the whole question in the OP seem pointless now...

... Oh no, wait! It's still absolutely fine. Thanks anyway though for explaining that whole not a documentary thing, great stuff πŸ‘.


Since you understood it was a TV show that doesn't represent reality why did you ask the question?


I'd probably say for more information you'd probably be best re-reading the OP.

Pretty sure I mentioned that the staffing levels would be questionable, given, duh it's a TV show (as you too have apparently realised!) but I was questioning whether that particular role would exist AT ALL in a real bar.

Like I say, I can't really explain it better than in the OP. Good luck with the re-read πŸ‘.


You were the only one who wasn’t a sarcastic p in this exchange and got nothing but grief for being respectful


You were the only one who wasn’t a sarcastic p in this exchange...

Yes because the claim that the OP obviously didn't understand the show wasn't a realistic portrayal of a bar, wasn't itself a failed attempt at being sarcastic and was totally respectful!



A bigger question is would a pretty woman like Rebecca exist anywhere near Boston? Talk about fiction!!


Would her job really exist? In a documentary about bar management, probably not. But...


When it was owned by Sam he would have been the type of guy to employ his friends and Diane who he was trying to bed. The whole thing would have been like a hobby to him and somewhere to relive his glory days.

Once sold, I would guess that Rebecca (or someone like her) would be sent in to clean the place up and try and make some money out of it. Of course that wouldn't work in the show as it would require firing some of the staff, notably Carla who is rude to people.


Best not to question the "logic" of this show. So many non-realistic aspects, including the staff size (2 waitresses during Diane's run?), the patrons (who sit at the bar, but don't react to the goings-on...the ones in the back who do), the regulars who are there from morning to night, the mail route that Cliff apparently has, the leave-on-a-whim tendencies of Sam, Woody, Coach, Rebecca, Diane, Carla...

Just enjoy the yucks. There are plenty of good ones.


... the regulars who are there from morning to night...

I watched one recently when Carla made them all extra strong cocktails. The next morning, yes - they are all back in the bar complaining about their heads and how strong the drinks were! πŸ˜‚

Pretty sure Norm is just sat in his usual spot drinking another mini pint! Anyway - to give Cheers due credit - at least they show coffee being made available quite regularly. Not everyone was straight back on to the booze!


Like any business, someone needs to keep the books, buy supplies, keep inventory, do payroll, blah blah blah. What a silly question.


As a full time job, for one bar? A bar which didn't previously employ someone in that exact role? LOL.


They obviously hired her because their books were fucked up. Lol. Dude, every business needs a manager. Do you think the gin and whiskey just magically appear on the doorstep?


LOL again. Seriously, as per the OP:-

surely her position would really be an area manager floating over multiple bars owned by the corporation...

I don't mean to be rude but what you are saying is laughable.

You genuinely think individual bars / pubs have someone working full time on their drink orders πŸ˜‚. Surely you appreciate the concept of repeat orders for regular stock in a business?

Plus, Rebecca was hired by the corporation which bought over the bar - which clearly therefore would not have had "fucked up" books, it would clearly have been a viable, going concern...


Huh? That's a small bar with about 40 customers at any given time. You obviously have no real life experience. Have you ever worked in a small company? You think purchasing runs automatically on repeat orders? Lol. You think no one keeps books? Every small business has a manager. This thread is just ludicrous.


I'm going to leave this here - I only replied as I thought it was amusing that you'd said "What a silly question". However you keep repeating yourself.

The fact that you genuinely think one bar requires a full time accountant (they literally had episodes with Norm doing the bar's accounts at one point!) / stock orderer is hilarious but if you genuinely want to believe that having "real life experience" that's up to you. Thanks πŸ‘.


Meh, there are 7-Elevens and Burger Kings with fewer employees and customers than the bar in Cheers. Yet they all have managers and even assistant managers. There are requirements for small business.

You need to venture outside your room sometimes and see how the real world operates.


LOL. Like I said, nothing further is being added here.

I literally just expanded to tell you there were actually episodes of cheers were Sam gets Norm to do the pubs books - er, like any business in the "real world operates" rather than have one employed full time πŸ˜‚.

Sure, of course you get managers in bars but the thing is - They work there! Pretty much like we saw Sam doing for FIVE seasons in Cheers before Rebecca came along... Pretty much in the same way your 7-Eleven, BK managers are working!

I tell you what though - perhaps it is you who should be venturing out into the real world and visit a real life bar or two. Try and see how many of them actually have a separate back office, never mind a full time manager sitting in one πŸ˜‚.

I'm sure glad I'll never be your business partner in any real world environment if you think that's how a bar manager could operate!

It's funny because Pretty ever other response in this thread has been "yeah, of course it couldn't but it's a TV show" but now you've come along with some cloud cuckoo land notion of how would indeed have a full time employee sat in an office, juxtaposing that with the hilarious attempted put down that "that's how it would be in REAL LIFE!" LOL, you couldn't make it up...


You're back? Why?

I pretty much summed this up and shown you have no clue. So why do you keep repeating the same gibberish over and over?

I've managed small businesses. You do the books, you pay taxes, you keep inventory, you purchase supplies and products for resale.

If the bartender and a customer were doing the books, this gives all more support for the need of a permanent manager.

Most the posters on this thread followed your lead in the OP without analysis. It took me a couple of minutes to rip the trolling in your OP to shreds.

Do you have a job? 🀣


It took me a couple of minutes to rip the trolling in your OP to shreds.

LOL, the hubris!

I don't think you've even watched this show, never mind read the OP. They actually have episodes where Rebecca says "I don't really do anything here anyway", i.e. they make a JOKE of it! And as I just said - Sam was the PERMANENT manager for five seasons of the show, employing an accountant on a part time basis (like literally millions of small businesses do the world over) whilst WORKING in the bar.

You have absolutely "ripped" my OP to shreds by ignoring the fact it stated that in reality she would be an area manager, serving multiple bars, as that would make economic sense and then talking absolute jibberish with regards to the bar industry! Yeah right...

The stuff you are writing is so far removed from reality I don't believe for one second you've ever managed a small business - certainly not one that wouldn't have folded long ago anyway if it was employing the kind of strategies you are advocating here πŸ˜‚.

Anyway, this is now thin enough. Anyone reading thus far down will have seen the fallacy in your full time back office pub manager doing the accounts / stock orders for 40 hours a week argument πŸ˜‚... Do YOU have a job if you can even think this is a possibility?!!

Good day to you Sir πŸ‘


My friend, rather than have a polite discussion, you started with the snark.

This is my bottom line. You make a mockery of entrepreneurs and all small business owners when you claim it's a cake walk to start and maintain a business.

It's hard work.

One job I had was a small business, as it grew, the owner hired me because it became more than she could handle on her own.

She was putting in 20 hour days before I came long.

It's quite practical to see that Sam was in that same position.

There's nothing implausible about Rebecca being needed as a manager for one successful bar.

Davros, you put your foot in your mouth.🀣
