MovieChat Forums > Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Discussion > Belloq wouldnt have survived against the...

Belloq wouldnt have survived against the big boulder booby trap

Even the wall booby trap of darts.

So technically Indiana Jones saved Belloq's life which was a good thing


That's part of what makes him a compelling villain though. He left Indy to do all the hard work and collected the rewards. Think of his speech about the watch. He's more forward thinking while Indy acts more in the moment. This very mannerism also leads to his demise when he decides to verify the authenticity of the Ark before taking it to Hitler to avoid potential embarrassment.


When you put it that way, Demosthenes, he really is a lazy schmuck.


I wouldn't call him lazy. Definitely a schmuck though.


Nazi sympathizer!!


The funny thing about that giant boulder is...all Indy had to do was duck and it would have rolled above him and right on by.


And blocked him in and stuck him in the cave forever.


Missing the point...

Belloq retrieved the idol for the Ovidos. He stopped the thief from stealing it. He would never get in the temple himself to take the idol.

If anything, I would love to hear the bs he fed the Ovidos after he got his hands on it to keep it, that requires more skills than outrunning the boulder.
