best thriller ever
best thriller ever
shareIf it's not, it's close.
A page to check out:,+Timothy
This is your secret account, man.
I hate Michael, I hate Walt, and I hate their damn dog Vincin!
Not Really.
Not mentioning the American Classics that are the "Model of the Genre", like "The ASphalt Jungle" (1952, John Houston), a Frenchman Jean-Pierre Melville aka Grumbach, made "Le Samourai" and "Le Cercle Rouge", both with Alain Delon in the main role. They are superior in every respect, including acting and made their way to the Criterion Collection in the USA. Please see the Cercle Rouge and remember this sentence from the Director of the French Police Criminelle : "Tous les hommes sont coupables, etc... Tous, Mr. Mattei" (a police "Comissaire").
I completely disagree with you sixtus. I would watch this over Le Samourai and Le Cercle Rouge ANY DAY. Although I have enjoyed Delon in other films, to say he's even "acting" at all in the ones you've named is stretching it. He's more like statuary. As for Mellville, Bob Le Flambeur and Le Doulos (starring Belmondo) are totally superior to what you've named. Le Professionel's a solid, coherent yet inventive thriller. But I'm going to have to disagree that it's the best ever. For that try Rififi or Touchez pas au grisbi. You're welcome.
May be it was a good movie in 1981. It looks VERY dated now.
shareI completely disagree with you saucybetty. This movie was actually trite and boring. It was as inventive and tense as any Hollywood action film.
Le Professionel is far from being a classic or even interesting where as Melville's Le Samouraï, Bob Le Flambeur and Le Cercle Rouge are.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot Le Professionel is also riddled with pointless sexism.
So if you like Action movies that are banal, sexist and contain poignant dialogue like "professional ass-kicker" then this one is for you! You're welcome.
Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.share
Le Professionel is far from being a classic or even interesting where as Melville's Le Samouraï, Bob Le Flambeur and Le Cercle Rouge are.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot Le Professionel is also riddled with pointless sexism.
So if you like Action movies that are banal, sexist and contain poignant dialogue like "professional ass-kicker" then this one is for you! You're welcome.
Those are 3 of my absolute favourite films, BUT I don't see how you can draw a parellel between Melville and Le Prof.
If you scroll up the page I was responding to SauceyBetty I would never draw a parallel to Melville and Le Professionnel merely I was refuting her post in which she was refuting someone else's post.
We don't see overtly chauvinistic, tongue-in-cheek brilliance like this anymore.
This is taking the view that this movie was tongue-in-cheek. Which it wasn't. It was fairly straightforward Hollywood fair that we see everyday.
Part of the character of these 70s/80s Euro-Crime flics is exactly this macho, tough-guy way of life.
Belmondo has played many macho, tough guys in the past and none of them have been as dull and backwards as this one.
And since you mention Melville, I don't recall one female character in his films of any note, except maybe those dancers in the you can make the same point there.
Better to have no women then women as props. However there were women in most Melville films. In fact most (most) with positive roles. Army of Shadows is an excellent example of this.
Were you OFFENDED by this "sexism" in LeProf??!? As a 23 yr old chic, I can tell you, there's nothing more refreshing than hearing this so-called "sexist" banter - a nice change from the dull, politically correct times we live in now where men are feminized, while women masculinized.
As a 22 year old guy, I can tell you that there is nothing more lame then sexist attitudes. It has nothing to do with being masculine or political correct. It has to do with the destruction of hierarchies that place people in subjugation be it outright or internalized. Let me rewrite your sentence replacing a few words to prove my point:
Were you OFFENDED by this "racism" in Amos and Andy??!? As a 23 yr old white male, I can tell you, there's nothing more refreshing than hearing this so-called "racist" black-face banter - a nice change from the dull, politically correct times we live in now where blacks are humanized, while white men demonized.
Some people, whether because they lack humour or a broader scope of mind, just aren't built for LeProf and its sheer ass-kicking genius.
I think it is actually the reverse. You need to be very narrow minded and hold a specific type of humor to really enjoy this action movie. And just because a movie is filled with sexist, banal dialogue doesn't make it tongue-in-check it just makes it sexist and banal.
Trying to justify this movie as needing a "broader scope of mind" to appreciate is disingenuous as all you really need is a patriarchal view of women's role in society and hatred of intellect.
Belmondo (who I think is awesome) was much better suited with Godard, who at least used sexism for a point. Sadly, they had to part ways as Belmondo wanted to work in more commercial films.
Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.share
After reading this rant, I have decided I must see it.
shareAnother totalitarian zombie which like to burn books he cant handle with his fragile little mind. You are the problem in todays society. And nothing else then a problem.
shareI just watched this movie on TV. Very good acting and absolutelly great music.
So did I - it really is a great movie! The score is also terrific, and Belmondo kicks ass!
shareOne of the most beautiful films you can ever see not to mention the classic ending scene with Chi Mai music which tears your soul with every step Belmondo takes towrads the helicopter ......magnifique
No. It's great fun, but dated fun.
shareWhat is all this "dated" trash bout? Movies are good or they arent. Noone would be as stupid and mention at the Louvre "Yea, this Mona Lisa looks great, but its dated". There is no such a thing as dated.
What you cant handle is the simple fact that people back then dont longed for depression and had control of their own life. Thats something todays spine- and brainless zombies cant handle. And thats what you (and all thos other clueless ones using this stupid term) really mean: We cant act in such a way and thats why we have to use some completely useless term to hide our fear of life.
The Room came out in 2003 and looks like it came out in 1991. Don't tell me movies can't be dated.
shareThere is no "dated" in movies. They are good or they arent. Their age doesnt mean sh*t. You could view movies from the Twenties (the good twenties ;) ) which are still awesome. Take a look at Napoleon or Greed for example. There isnt any term called "dated". What could be is that you dont like the mood of the era back then. But then you have to think why you hate life and people which are handling their own fate? Cause thats whats completely missing at most of todays zombiebrain movies.
shareThere is no "dated" in movies. They are good or they arent.
How could something be dated? Do you mean Bach concerts are dated? Do you presume Picassos paintings are dated? Do you presume that Notre Dame looks dated? Or have you ever heard anyone mention that thos pieces of art are dated?
Things are good or not good for reasons. Being older isnt a reason. Its a simple status. Thats like thos kids which state "This is a black and white movie. I wont watch it". But thos are at least kids. Whats your point of exclamation ;) ?
Dated simply states an emotion. That you cant handle any other era and therefor are captured within your little recent timeframe. Thats a very sad situation. You could never watch a classic from the Twenties or Thirties and realize its magic (and Im also not familiar in any way with that era :) ). Again: Really sad. And I dont mean that in any inpolite way. Hoping that you could solve that problem.
How could something be dated? Do you mean Bach concerts are dated? Do you presume Picassos paintings are dated? Do you presume that Notre Dame looks dated? Or have you ever heard anyone mention that thos pieces of art are dated?
So todays music sounds like the one composed by Bach? So todays churches are looking like Notre Dame? So not each and every photograph we make even with the cheapiest smartphones out there doesnt look more naturalistic then any naturalistic painting of the 18th century? And wearing bellbottom jeans looks either good on you or not.
Theres no such a thing as dated with art (okay, jeans arent art in most cases :) ). Either you like it or not. But "dated" just tells that you dont like that art cause you cant handle the according era. For whichever personal reason.
"Terminator 2" still holds up. "Boyz n the Hood" does not. They were both realised in the same year.
shareBoth are fine movies and there release year doesnt matter at all. It simply states that you arent able to view movies. Movies were never dated and never will be. Just consumers will be not able to see the core of movies and at least try to handle the different era. But ... thats your problem. Missing so many movies.
sharePromising Young Woman came out last year and I feel it's dated. It has nothing to do with how I view a previous era. Also how can you say I'm "missing so many movies" when I'm literally watching them saying that they're dated?
shareWhen I last watched it decades ago, it felt like a bad-ass action thriller.
It's on TV now, Belmondo is like I remembered him. The score is a classic.
Biggest difference: The dialogues now remind me more of Terence Hill's wise-cracking characters.