MovieChat Forums > Prince of the City (1981) Discussion > Way to long for its own good...

Way to long for its own good...

I thought Treat Williams performance was excellent in some scenes and others were laughable. I also thought it was too drawn out, it went on and on.

But I did like it, some scenes were great and considering when it was made, it was not too bad. If they cut the movie by about a half and hour it would have been much better-too many scenes that were not needed.

6 out of a 10.


I found it impossible to sit through, and this is coming from somebody who thinks "The French Connection" is one of the finest films ever made, as well as "Godfather I & II." Treat Williams' acting was hysterical and awful through much of it, and the pacing to this film is glacial. And the talking...and talking...and TALKING, droning on and on. It seems like this was written for the stage. Yes it definitely has it's qualities, but it is too long and has not aged well, unlike other such films like the brilliant "Fort Apache, the Bronx" and even "Death Wish," which is more entertaining than this.

Fabio Testi is GOD


I agree. That was my issue with the film. It started to drag on and on and on and on. I found myself having trouble staying alert and attentive to the details
