Is it just me or is every single character so ANNOYING?
I've seen this film several times over the years and while I think it manages to hold up as a decent early 80s slasher, there is one thing that always annoys me to no end: the endless amount of irritating characters.
First we have the two alpha males competing for the affections of Sarah, strutting around in their boots and acting like stupid dicks. They exist mainly to drink beer, google over Sarah, and fight with one another.
And the females aren't much better. Their only purpose in the movie is being readily available to hang all over their stupid men like possessions. Sarah sits idly by while Axel plays a knife game in the bar and her annoying ass friend is always standing right over her big boyfriend with the mustache like he's got a leash on her. These little waifs just seem to float in and out of the scenery tied to their men the whole time.
Then there's Sarah herself--a real piece of work. She strings two men along and then appears dismayed whenever they react like any two men would do being played by the same woman and fight each other. She never gives any one man some reassurance she's going to stay with him, in fact it seems the entire movie she is just waiting around to see which one she really wants to be with and acting upset when they argue over her. What a dumbass. Maybe if she gave one a committed response and ignored the other one, she wouldn't be in the predicament she's in. And half the time she was instigating the whole thing, anyway. "I just wanna put on some music, okay?" then she goes over to talk to TJ right behind her boyfriend's back. Meets with TJ behind her boyfriend's back. I think she was just enjoying having two men fight over her. No girl can be this dumb. What a drama queen.
The rest of the males consist of the stupid practical joker and the gool 'ol rednecks who just think about getting laid while hooting and hollering every other minute over something stupid. "It's gonna be a hot time on Saturday night!" Yee haw.
And what was up with the goofy way some of them said their lines? When Axel says "If they wanna be (something about coal), they gotta know the mine!" I just wanted to hit him. Talk normal. And Sarah's friend is the worst offender, delivering every line with that irritating pitch and the awful expression. "Wait'll you see the dress I got--cut down to here, slit up to there--I may not get out aliveeeee!" Ughhhhhh it's like she suddenly develops a speech impediment with certain words. And "Honey, if I'm going down there, you're goin' with me." Again, always in that annoying voice with that stupid expression. Why?
The men are also sexist. "You know the rule: no women in the mine." Yeah, because the women belong at the town hall decorating for the Valentine's Dance and waiting at your beck and call to stand over you while you get drunk at the bar. And TJ's "It ain't my turn to watch after her" was equally chauvinistic, like Sarah is some possession they're both fighting over.
Sorry for ranting, but this whole group of people just annoy me to no end. They're even more annoying than the characters in some of the Friday the 13th sequels and that says something.