MovieChat Forums > Heavy Metal (1981) Discussion > Best and Worst Segment?

Best and Worst Segment?

What was your favorite and least favorite segment.

I sort of liked the Taarna and B-17 segments.
Did NOT get the robot/stoner aliens segment at all. It had no purpose.


Taarna is the best; So Beautiful, So Dangerous is probably the most pointless but I love the crash landing.


Taarna is my favorite, all the way! I actually liked Harry Canyon part too, mostly for the film-noir references. I like B-17, but think it could have been improved with the addition of "Neverwhere Land", the piece they threw out to keep the film at a reasonable length. That part is included as a bonus feature on the DVD and you can also view it on Youtube - of course, it's not edited, but still, very artistic.

I could have done without the robot/stoner segment as well.

Captain Stern segment I could keep it or leave it, makes no difference to me. However, with the including of "Neverwhere Land" it must stay in because that is what tied it together with B-17.


Good call


My least favorite segment is the opening with the astronaut in the corvette. But since that is essentially just an intro, then I have to say that "So Beautiful & So Dangerous" is the lesser of the tales in the film. Still like it though. It has Hagar's Heavy Metal song in it which blew my mind as a youth (every second of this movie blew my mind then, tbqhwy).

Favorite is Den. The narrative is solid and it's funny. One of the few times I liked John Candy. I only recently saw Richard Corben's "Neverwhere" in which we get the first appearance of Den.

HM magazine was hit/miss (usually more miss) but I loved it. When it was good, it broke ground.


Yeah back when I saw it first as a 12 y/old it blew my mind as well. Cartoon boobs!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!


Den was my absolute favorite. I would have liked a full-length Den film. Taarna was second best, then Harry Canyon, B-17, So Beautiful So Dangerous, The lost 'Neverwhere' sequence was good and should have been in the final cut. Hanover Fiste was amusing, but I was always kind of glad when it ended. I enjoyed the 'Radar Rider' opening, but didn't much care for the linking story. One thing that always bothered me was this: If the Loc Nar could see into all worlds in the past and future, why couldn't it see that the SPOILERS girl was a Taraakian and would destroy it?

I think this Pearl Jam video is very much in the spirit of the Heavy Metal movie. The grunge musical style, of course, clashes with the early 80s sound of the movie, but Pearl Jam's 'Do the Evolution" is a worthy successor to Heavy Metal. Even starts out with something that could almost be the Loc Nar landing on Earth.


"Neverwhere Land" is the cut sequence from the movie. Check out Richard Corben's "Neverwhere" for a 1969 animated short with Den.

If you have not yet seen "Love, Death and Robots" then do so. It is the (renamed) official 3rd Heavy Metal and very good.
If you have not yet seen "Heavy Metal: FAKK2" then do not. It is a waste of time.


That linked video was trippy.


I hated Heavy Metal: FAKK2. It was the worst disappointment of my movie-going life. I've never heard of Love Death and Robots. Thanks for the tip! I've seen that Corben video before. Great early adult animation!


LDR is a series on Netflix. All animated vignettes in that edgy HM style.

Over a decade ago, David Fincher was set to make yet another Heavy Metal movie with some big names involved but Paramount abandoned the project. It bounced around in development hell and went nowhere. Years later, Robert Rodriguez took over the drive to make it happen. He was even going to premier it on his El Rey channel. Names like James Cameron, Jack Black, and Del Toro were linked to the project at one time or another.

Fast forward to now and I watched this cool Love Death Robots show thinking how cool it was and how it reminded me of Heavy Metal. Turns out it is produced by Fincher and is, indeed, what became of the efforts to reboot Heavy Metal. They changed the name. Probably to shake the trend of reticence of studios in the past.

The final product is something in between Heavy Metal and Liquid Television and a dash of Spike n Mike.


I knew of this movie's existence for a long time but only recently committed to watching it in its entirety.

It's quite a visual and aural trip, even almost 40 years later. It's a bit before my time but I can see why it has a cult following; it's a very good production for something so counter-culture at the time.

I can't pick a favorite; I like Harry Canyon, Den, So Beautiful & So Dangerous, and Taarna. All great offerings of their genres.
Den & Taarna, dark fantasy with male & female hero respectively; Harry Canyon, film noir; and So Beautiful & So Dangerous - comedy. Love Zeke, Edsel, and the little unnamed robot who could be Bender's ancestor.

B-17 was well-done horror but fairly generic, and Captain Sternn I really only liked for the surprise ending.


Best segment: "So Beautiful & So Dangerous", I can't help but think of Cheech & Chong when I watch that segment, plus most of the best songs on the soundtrack were featured on that segment.

Worst segment: "Taarna": I feel it could've been trimmed down to 20 minutes as it didn't need to be nearly 30 minutes long, it does have some great moments but there were some scenes that went on too long, I also wasn't really big on the "Captain Sternn" segment either.


Best segments were Harry Canyon, Den, Hanover Fiste, Taarna


They were all really good! Really quality plot short stories
