MovieChat Forums > SamHyde

SamHyde (140)


Biggest Cliche That's in Every Anime This is my favorite movie Note: Please keep all chat tonight on topic of Emma Watson and me as Emma Watson in Heaven for Everybody Someday My favorite anime This is Literally Take per Take with the Cartoon Fun Cheesy Crap Best Selling Video Game of All Time Starring 'Hawkeye McFag' Huge Prison Population of Non-Crime Drug Users View all posts >


This is horrible. They were making these crappy laptops that they've now downgraded the hardware to be more like a phone's standard, with a 20 gigabyte harddrive To make matters worse it ran windows 10 and only 12gb was even available! And a "Celeron" series dual core processor Pentium that is from 2002.... 2002!!! You could HEAR the thing again like old computers used to do, and literally hear all the spam running in the background Target tried pawning these things off on people like they were new technology a couple years ago Their electronics section is just the worst I love it when they goo inside my mouth, and swirling my tongue around them all day and night I love weiners! I thought that too about a lot of what ended up being the highest grossing films. It is the highest selling video game product, surpassing GTAV which was the fastest selling entertainment product in history at 50 million units sold within a certain time frame, can't remember when but it's in second place It'd be more like catching them in the act. If a naked woman appears to be tied up that they happen upon, do they try to help untie her or do they try to rape her? Even if they leave without saying anything, then do they continue doing nothing or do they at least call for help. Because it has to be one or the other, it can be determined whether they are good people or rapists. At a steady rate, we could basically get rid of them Well, I enjoyed it but then I enjoy every second of screen time Emma Watson is in, in anything And I'm even happier for her that this was the 10th highest grossing film of all time I'm just going to say that the cartoon Belle who is won-over with gifts despite being kidnapped / imprisoned makes me worry it is putting bad ideas in little girls' heads. Where as live action Belle still not being enthused by either Beast OR Gaston is better. They were both PoS and hopefully she dumped Beast the second after his curse was broken for sure It would be hard as a human actor to show affection for someone or something that had been keeping one a prisoner in any format Maybe it wasn't going to work out between them, but she still loved the beast as an individual thus breaking the curse All Emma Watson has to say on feminism is that she thinks we all deserve gender equality, both men and women. She's not a raging feminist that hates men or something Because you ponder if you "own the forum now" as if you have your feet kicked back on the desk running the place after you know what nevermind That's who you feel like One of the maga Trump protestors that barged into the US Congress buildings View all replies >