This is a Monty Python level parody, played deadly serious.
Most Sword & Sorcery movies, especially from the 80s and 90s, are obviously played for laughs, with broad, unsubtle humor used to highlight the silliness of the story.
I used to consider Conan '82 to be the only really serious S&S film. A recent reviewing has made me feel otherwise.
The first thing we notice is that after the pit fighting scenes, Conan becomes the worst fighter in the entire movie. He never wins a SINGLE fight without being rescued by Subotai or Valeria or some unforeseen event like the falling pillar in the orgy room. And he's not even a real barbarian by the terms of the movie... More like an escaped slave/gladiator.
As far as Valeria and Subotai, each of them gets a sequence showcasing their deadly skills in battle. Valeria kills four of Doom's guards with her sword in about four seconds as they escape after freeing the princess. Then Subotai shoots practically all of Doom's army at the Battle of the Mounds while Conan struggles with only Thorgrim and Rexor. Conan never gets a really triumphant combat victory. Valeria's avenging spirit renders Rexor blind and Thorgrim, Rexor and Doom are helpless at the end when Conan executes them or watches them die in the case of Thorgrim.
As if this wasn't bad enough, Milius has Schwarzennegger play Conan as some kind of village idiot. Look at the weird gurning faces and the oafish moans and grunts Conan makes in fights, and listen to his goofy "Hyuk hyuk hyuk" laughter. Worst of all, look at his hopelessly moronic plan to infiltrate Doom's stronghold.
After Conan beats the homosexual priest and takes his robes, he behaves in the most ridiculous, conspicuous ways imaginable. Rather than play the stoic, mysterious holy man, he ambles along past the worshippers, giving hearty greetings and making Serpent hand gestures to everyone. He responds to a philosophical question from a Doom Priestess with a stupid, low-effort answer. He elbows his way to the head of the line approaching Doom's balcony, oblivious to the spectacle he is making of himself. The camera lingers on all of these blatantly foolish mistakes, making it obvious to us that Arnold's Conan is an utter moron.