I thought this movie came out in 1980.
On this site it's showing up as a 1981 film.
shareDepends on the country. Some places it was December 1980, others, including the US, were 1981.
December 4, 1980: Australia
April 9, 1981: United Kingdom
June 19, 1981: United States
Wonder why Australia got it first....then the U.K...how appalling.
Certain movies during the 80s were released in alphabetical order country wise. Hence why it went 1st to Australia then to the UK and then the US
shareAmazing, the US got it a whole six months plus after AU (and 4 months the UK!). Goes to show how different things were back then, how 'protected' the industry was before it all changed with home video and later the internet and file sharing.
shareIt is pretty much an 81 movie along with Raiders and Clash
shareMe too.