I had your reaction initially and thought it was a silly act of revenge from a superhero that explicitly advertises very lofty ideals and implores humanity to live by them. I figured this scene was tossed in for a somewhat cheap crowd pleasing ending, which I do think was effective even if out of character for Superman. However, I've since softened that stance and agree with others that Superman is pretty much half human. He's physically a super being from Krypton and culturally human (save his Kryptonian education), which means he's vulnerable to the same instincts as most everyone else, including the satisfaction that comes with getting even. It's also possible to interpret this as a combined act of revenge and altruism. In whittling Rocky down to size, he probably gave much relief to the diner owner and staff, as well as other regular customers who were weary of having a bully around who might go rogue at the slightest perceived insult.