MovieChat Forums > Somewhere in Time (1980) Discussion > I remember an extended version

I remember an extended version

I remember watching this movie for the first time on either network TV or PBS and I distinctly remember them mentioning that it was the extended version. In the extended version Richard does go back again. Did anyone else see this one or remember it? I remember seeing it again and wondering what happened to the whole middle part. If memory serves me correctly, Richard goes back and its been a few years since he was last there. He is still wearing the same suit and Elise wonders what happened to him. Eventually he convinces her that he did not abandon her. I know I am not crazy, but I haven't been able to find any mention of the extended version.



I want to see that! There should definitely be an "alternate ending" option on the DVD. :(



I'm not familiar with an extended version of SIT. Although the returning of Richard reminds me of the recent (2000) time travel movie "For All Time" which I hope can be given a sequel.


You're right... there is an extended version of this movie. It was on dishnetwork earlier this year. I'm not sure which channel it was on, but there was a listing of it and it was the extended version (something close to 3 hours). I remember wanting to see it again, but I forgot about it and upon missed the whole thing exept for the last few minutes of it.


If someone figures out when it comes on t.v. before I do, or has a taped copy of it, I'm dying to see it. Email me. :) If it's not too much trouble.

[email protected]


Is this for real?


Being a SIT fan, it sure does sound like a dream come true. However, I am pretty sure it doesn't exist. For 26 years, there was never any mention of any big deleted scenes that were taking out. If there were, why wait 26 years to release a extended uncut edition knowing the huge following that it has. They definitely can make a big chunk of money from the DVD sales.

If there was an extended or an alternative edition, I would imagine it would go something like this...

After the whole part with Richard returning to the present and grieving, we see him make a final attempt to go back in time with what little life and energy he has left. Screen fades out...Did he managed to go back in time once more or did he die? Screen fades back in, and we see a woman sitting on the shore staring at the lake...We know it's Elise, who refused to leave because she knows somehow her beloved Richard will find a way to make it back to her... How many days has it pass by we do not know, but she still looks the same, except for the emptiness on her face. Suddenly, a fainted voice behind her, "Elise...". It was Richard, who barely has any energy left to stand. "Richard!!!" yelled Elise, with tears in her eyes. Elise rushed towards him and managed to catch him before he falls. "I knew it. I knew you would come back to me...", cried Elise. "I didn't want you to think I abandoned you, I...", Said Richard. They both embraced, and the screen pans out.

Somewhere in Time, truly one of the best romantic movie ever made!


How do we track down the extended version? Who do we write to?


There is no extended version; they surely would have at least MENTIONED it on the DVD.

There WAS however, another book/screenplay written by Richard Mattheson called "Memoirs of Elise" which explained what happened to the actress between 1912 (I think it was actually 1893 in the book) and when she died. No studio offered active interest in it.

The reason I know this is because Mattheson put it up for auction on Ebay. You better believe I bid on it! But after 100s of bids and bids within thousands of dollars, Mattheson pulled it from the auction, saying he had no idea what a sensation it would cause and felt that the bids were too much money to be asked for what he had to offer (basically an unpublished novelette). When the auction was abandoned, I received an email to that effect and some Ebay users I contacted received the same email. It's a damned shame; I would LOVED to have read it.

The book on which the original movie is based, btw, is called "Bid Time Return". If you can find a copy of it, it is WELL worth the read.


Sorry to burst your bubble but Matheson did not write "Memoirs of Elise." In fact, the reason this book was sold on Ebay was because the writer who penned this so called "sequel" to Somewhere In Time was never properly authorized to do so. There have been many questions raised as to it's legality.


I heard the story about the Memoirs of Elise book. That would have been a great book to read.

I've never heard of this extended version of the movie either. The INSITE website mentions nothing at all about it and they definitely would if it existed.





THANK YOU!!!! I saw the same version!!! I was about 15 at the time and I saw the one you're talking about and Richard does, indeed, go back again! I have been trying to convince my family all these years that I'm not crazy and that I saw a movie with a completely different (and happy) ending. As a matter of fact, that's why I came here today, to see if anyone out there knew what this was about.

I'm not sure what station it was on, probably something like WGN, because I was at my grandparents house and they didn't have cable. Like I said, it was a few years ago (I'm 30 now) but I DISTINCTLY remember the version this person is talking about. I've no idea if it was an extended version or just an altered version or what, but this poster is most definitely not pulling your legs!

Thanks, I really needed to get that out, especially after watching it for the umpteenth time on Encore the other day.




Perhaps they're confusing the final scene in which Richard and Elise meet in 1912 costume after his death?



Nope, I'm not remembering incorrectly. Even extreme fans can't know everything and I know what I saw. People make mistakes all the time, that's true, but I have NEVER remembered anything incorrectly. As a former Jeopardy winner, I take my memory seriously. Thanks, but that's not it.


People make mistakes all the time, that's true, but I have NEVER remembered anything incorrectly.

...erm, which 1/2 of that sentence is correct? (I'd go for the former). The two statements are mutually exclusive.

Anyway, I guess there could have been some sort of footage edited into the movie, but it seems strange that this board is the only place that I've seen it mentioned. I've not listened to the commentary on the DVD, but there's no mention of other footage in the documentaries.

I wonder if there's a film that is similar to SiT...

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.
