Mrs Voorhees sure got lucky with some of her kills didn't she
Just watched the movie for the first time in a while and while I've seen it many times, it never dawned on me just how lucky Pamela got until she obviously met Alice.
Puts Ned's body in a stupid hiding place and was lucky Jack & Marcie where too horny & stoned to notice, they could have easily seen the body and ran back and then game over.
I could list Jack's death how it's unrealistic but it's a horror film so I'll let it slide.
Lures Brenda out by pretending to be a child in danger, but the thing is Alice & Bill could also have heard it and started investigating at the same time. Also turns on the lights which got Alice's attention.
Also lucky that Steve's trailer stopped his car going and then the officer giving him a lift got an emergency call so Steve had to walk the rest of the way which meant she could kill him.
Finally Bill going along to fix the generator