MovieChat Forums > Caddyshack (1980) Discussion > offended by Bishop's comment

offended by Bishop's comment

I liked the movie, but the Bishop's comment really offended me. He said there was no God. That comment was way out of line and unacceptable. It could have been easily something else.
Do all the versions contain that scene?


YOU are out of line and unacceptable. So it really offends you huh? Heres a clue, get over it! Ya overly sensitive idiot


It's a freaking comedy! The joke is that the Bishop, playing his best round ever, misses the windblown raindriven put that would have given him the club record.

"You're a Bishop for God's sake!"
"There is no God...."

This Catholic laughed like hell at that joke!


The joke is on the Bishop for choosing golf over his faith. That line would be worthless with any other verbiage.


But there is no God.


Shhhhh. Many people's lives will be in shambles if they don't believe there's a higher being who's responsible for all their actions.


You do know that Christians don't think that God is responsible for our actions right?


you just made the list bud.


Calm down, Franci - I mean Psycho.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


The whole bit with the bishop is actually a play on an old golf joke.

Short version: guy goes to confessional, says he took the Lord's name in vain while playing golf, priest keeps pumping him for details, after several missed guesses guy says he had a two footer to close out the best round of his life, priest says, "Don't tell my you missed a *** **** two foot putt!"

I think the movie would have been better without that scene after the round. It was anticlimactic.


To quote another Bill Murray movie...
"Lighten up Francis!"


You are kidding us, right? Get the hell over it. It's a movie. Did the sex scenes with Lacey Underall and Ty and Danny offend you too? If you don't want to hear there is no God, turn your volume down just during that scene..idiots!
By the way I am Catholic and thought it was hilarious.

