Am I missing something?

Serious question, I have attempted to watch this film, hailed by many as the greatest comedy ever. But after half an hour with no laughs and literally cringing at every scene I just can't take it any more and turn it off.

The real question is, am I missing something? The so called comedy in this film just seems outrageously stupid and I just can't seem find myself enjoying it. Maybe its a generation thing?

"Get away from her, you bitch!"


"The real question is, am I missing something?"

Yup, a sense of humour.


I used to watch this film a lot, every friend seemed to want to watch it, and I got a little tired of it. I bought the criterion edition, I can't even remember when (more than a decade ago), and had it sealed until now.

I think it has aged, but I still find it funny, and with the right mindset, still one of the best comedies of all time.




The movie, despite being slapstick is one of the most accurate depictions of Jesus ever put on film. That's what you're missing.


Someone isn't familiar with Monty Python's style of humour at all.


I’m about half an hour in and it’s ok so far but nowhere near as funny as holy grail


It’s been said that 20% of people have no sense of humour. Sounds like you’re in the club.


I've been working on a reply ever since you first posted this. A lot of Monty Python humor, dating all the way back to their TV show, is an acquired taste. I know I used to only half watch Flying Circus, a lot of the humor was either too subtle or not very inspired. Of course, it's British dry humor, some people can take it or leave it.

In short, in the 11 years I've spent working on an answer to your question. Yes, you are missing something.
