Am I missing something?

Serious question, I have attempted to watch this film, hailed by many as the greatest comedy ever. But after half an hour with no laughs and literally cringing at every scene I just can't take it any more and turn it off.

The real question is, am I missing something? The so called comedy in this film just seems outrageously stupid and I just can't seem find myself enjoying it. Maybe its a generation thing?

"Get away from her, you bitch!"


You're not missing anything. This movie is just not good at all.


I shared your opinion when i was a kid, knowing more about religious and cultural taboos(by having them bashed into your brain through "higher learning") would help you appreciate the jokes involved and how they aren't just jokes on a low brow level like Mel Brooks, it has deeper philosophical criticisms, try watching it again in 10-15 years.


Not at all. That's how I felt when I saw AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. I hated it but I liked this movie. It's all a matter of personal taste.


I don't think you're missing something. It's just not your cup of tea. This movie came out 12 years before I was born and I find it hilarious and I know there are people younger than me who like it, so I don't think it's a generation thing.


It's not for everyone. I know the entire dialogue backwards and forwards and I still laugh at this movie.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


In my experience, there are two types of individual who do not understand the humor in "Life of Brian".

A. Christians with a sensitivity set to 'paper thin'.

B. Individuals with a very poor knowledge of Western European history.

The humor in "Life of Brian" is >NOT< aimed at Jesus. It's not even aimed at Christianity, at least not directly. Christianity >DOES< serve as a parable for the folly of blindly following >ANY< miracle elixir to your troubles, be it a messiah, pyramid scheme or Nazi facism. Indeed, the 'subject' of the film could easily have been about a pyramid scheme or Nazi facism and played out with essentially the same exact script.

In other words, the humor of "Life of Brian" lies in the followers of Brian, for they are so desperate for salvation from their own pathetic lives that they will follow anyone or anything, even when told over and over again that they have chosen 'poorly'.


Besides the scene where they try to stone the man, this is one of the most boring movie I'd ever seen. I hardly finish to watch it


Again we have a poster who is either semi-literate or, to put a kinder explanation on it , has English clearly not their first language. For such people to find LoB boring is hardly surprising.
It's just a pity they want us to know what they 'think' , as if it were a reasonable opinion ...


You are missing a sense of humour.
