MovieChat Forums > The Black Stallion (1979) Discussion > Just proves again how sexist the film in...

Just proves again how sexist the film industry is.

Go ahead, laught and mock but its true.

EVERY SINGLE other movie I have seen about horses feature a young girl as the main character...

BUT when it calls for a strong character who must struggle to survive.. you guessed it, they cast a boy!

Name me one movie.. JUST ONE movie that features a young girl as a hero. I am not talking about happy go lucky movies like Matilda and The Little Princess.. but survival movies like Lord of the Flies and Black Stallion.
How many? None.

Hollywood will age a female character to get their 'chick flicks' or use boys to satisy their nambla needs. They treat young girls as victims, never heros.

I swear to god, I will sue the crap out of the film industry.


Certainly, drawing the line at "movies featuring a horse where a strong character must struggle to survive" does not leave much to choose from.

When I hear criticisms such as yours, which here ignores the most obvious fact that the source material is about a boy and not a girl, I wonder, "Well...what is it they're asking for?" I would be interested in hearing a description, or see an actual example of, the type of movie heroine that would satisfy. Is there such a thing?

And while the point is well taken and not completely incorrect (although the pedophile comments are...weird), I think you've probably missed many wonderful films.

Randomly, and off the top of my head, here's a quick list of "Hollywood" movies with strong female leads/characters. For what it's worth:

Iron Jawed Angels
Million Dollar Baby
Alien series
Kill Bill
Thelma & Louise
The Wizard of Oz
Whale Rider
V for Vendetta
Lara Croft
Aeon Flux
Veronica Guerin
G.I. Jane
House of Flying Daggers
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
All About Eve
Adam's Rib
Jackie Brown
Silence of the Lambs
To Kill a Mockingbird
Star Wars
The Lion in Winter
Vera Drake

Most films, actually, with Cate Blanchett, Jodie Foster and perhaps more recent picks with Hilary Swank or Julia Stiles. Katharine Hepburn, too, obviously. And when Cate Blanchett *plays* Katharine Hepburn, well...forget about it.

So, how would you change the world?



That movie definitely proved that a woman can kick ass, be in control, and be the lead without showing any skin, seeming bitchy, or have visual sexual pheromones just oozing out of her onto the audience. Don't get me wrong, Sigourney Weaver is a very beautiful woman, but she commands the screen in a non-"stereotypical womanly" way.


Puting a girl in a survuval situation just wouldn't be believable


I totally disagree with you. Why wouldn't it be believable?


i can see that you are not very familiar with literature. Try not to embarass yourself too much. The black stallion was a book first. It was about a boy. I rest my case. Start with magazines they are pretty easy to follow.
love Q



Leon the Professional.

I agree though. Women are generally not portrayed as strong characters. Then again, they are! it's kind of like the blaxpoitation cinema where black people had to begin to cast themselves into strong lead roles. Of course you might mention Poitier or Belafonte but for the most part, there weren't many strong black roles up until a point. I think the same goes for women.





I forgot about that one. And I have or had it on dvd.

good movie.


When I saw this I just had to pipe up..anyone who truly read the series of books (NOT just the first one) will remember that Walter Farley DID have some wonderfully strong and survivalist female's a refresher for those who forgot or never read the series:

Tabari (daughter of Abu Ben Ishak, original owner and breeder of the Black)- the little lady who later exacted revenge on Alec and the Black by luring them to her desert stronghold and played life and death games until someone DID die. Tabari believed that the Black killed her father (he was apparently thrown from the Black while riding him and died of his injuries). Her revenge was to try to kill both the Black and Alec years later ..with the Black's sire can find this in the novels "The Black Stallion and Satan" and "The Black Stallion Mystery".

Pam- (Alec's one true love and girlfriend) A better rider and horseman than Alec himself, Pam could and did conquer all in her path, human and equine. Pam could not only control the renegade son of the Black, Black Sand, but also Satan and finally the Black himself- a feat that to that point only Alec could do. Pam was ultimately killed in a car crash in " The Black Stallion Legend", but you can find her story in " The Black Stallion and the Girl."

Black Minx- tempermental daughter of the Black, this fine filly not only destroyed her competition and proved a challenge to train, but she won the crusty heart of Henry as well. Her story is chronicled in "The Black Stallions Filly".

The Ghost- stunning grey mare who makes her appearance in "The Black Stallions Ghost"- a story often missed by series readers as it is short and really hard to find.

I would love to hear from people who have or havent read the series on their opinions.

[email protected]


Hey I remember reading those books years and years ago as a child. Thanks for reminding me. Man, I really need to go to the library and re-read all those books again, I loved them!


Well, the discussion was on "the film industry", but if we're talking books, there are plenty of strong female leads, such as characters like Nancy Drew, Ramona and Beezus and Jessica from "The Boxcar Children".

However, in films, the one I saw missed in the animated world would be Miss Brisby (aka Miss Frisby from the book)from "The Secret of N.I.H.M." You don't get much stronger than a female risking being eaten by an owl, a cat and standing up to the much larger super-smart rats.

How about Erin Brockovich who not only was a self assured and strong female lead, but based on a real person?

Next, we had Addie, played by Tatum O'Neil, who is clearly in charge in "Paper Moon. She has Moses Pray wrapped around her little finger and is the real brains behind the operation.

We also have Pan's Labyrinth and Mirrormask, two similar stories about young female lead conquering the underworld.

In Peter Pan, Wendy becomes Peter's right hand...woman and serves as his reason to fight back against Hook.

Of course, you have Alice from Alice in Wonderland who bests even a queen.

While Tom Sawyer gets all the billing, Becky Thatcher clearly influences him in many of his decisions.

Finally, we can't forget Poltergeist, which features a little girl standing up to vengeful ghosts in not one, but 3 movies. One can only assume the possibility of a part 4 would have materialized had the star not died suddenly from complications from an incorrectly diagnosed medical condition.


Memoirs of a Geisha

It's a movie about a horse and boy; GET OVER IT! U HAVE 2 MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS!


Who lit the fuse on your tampon????

The movie is based off a book series written years and years ago by Walter Farley, moron......
