MovieChat Forums > Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) Discussion > People no longer think Wilma was the hot...

People no longer think Wilma was the hottest on the show.

I was watching the Bustinprime youtube videos, where he/she put Wilma side by side with other beautiful guest stars from Buck Rogers, and most people pick the other ladys over Wilma. On most of the I side with Wilma, but it's hard to argue that there women in the 25th century that gave her a run for her money in hottness.

Here's a link if you never watched them.


I find Ardala really sexy but Wilma has -apart from her beautiful face, hair and figure- this enchantingly natural laugh with this beautiful semblance of an underbite.


I thought that Markie Post (Plot to Kill a City) looked better than anyone else on this show. I kept hoping that she would come back to the show, but she never did.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.


Hate to disagree, but Dorothy Stratten was more beautiful than Markie, Erin or Pamela.

Even the guy helping "Miss Cosmos" on with her robe was checking her out.

It makes me feel sad looking at her picture knowing what happened to her. But it would also be wrong to not appreciate just how insanely beautiful she was.


I forgot that Dorothy Stratten was on this show... It's a tuff call for me between those two.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.


really? i didn't know that. that's awesome. so, this show better be on blu ray really soon in the us.


I was wondering when someone would mention Dorothy Stratton.
Having watched this as a kid my two most libidinous memories are of Erin Grey and Dorothy Stratton.
Now I am rewatching it with my kids.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


I preferred Ardala's regal haughtiness. Drove me up the wall when she would langourously strut about, snapping off orders in that oh-so-haughty tone.


I agree. Ardala made this series great, and was a wardrobe designers dream. That walk of hers was perfect.


Wilma (that's Col. Deering to you) is still number one. Not just on this show, but compared to anyone on any show since.


I pick Wilma over Adala, easy. The latter is sharp, but Erin has better curves. As for other female guest stars on the show, it's true that the regular assortment of beautiful women was one of the shows highlights, some rivaling Wilma in beauty and, in quite a few cases, even beating her out in all-around beauty.

My 150 (or so) favorite movies:


I'd buy that for a dollar


the guest star, amanda wyss, who played a princess who has a magical power is hotter than erin gray. do you agree?


Amanda Wyss was certainly the highlight of "The Crystals" from the 2nd season. She prances around in a flattering white toga the entire episode. Most viewers will remember Wyss from her role in "A Nightmare on Elm Street" a few years later (1984). In any case, she's impressive in this segment, sprightly and convincing, and the producers tastefully showcase her beauty.

The 'monster' looks like a cross between Marvel's Man-Thing and the Swamp Thing costume from the 1982 movie of the same name, although way cheesier. Wilma is appareled in a relatively loose jumpsuit uniform the entire episode, which might turn-off guys who prefer her usual skin-tight outfits, but it's nice to see the Colonel in something different. Thankfully, Twiki's original voice (by Mel Blanc) is restored after five episodes with the higher kiddie voice.

"The Crystals" is perhaps the most Star Trek-like episode of the series, although it's not as compelling as most Star Trek installments (TOS, that is).


I've heard that the reason that season two was completely overhauled was because the producers wanted to make it more trek-like. It was a bad call in my opinion.


I agree. They shoulda kept the foundation of the 1st season and simply built on it, making an entertaining series better. Although it's generally inferior to the 1st season, it's superior in some ways and has its quality episodes, like "Time of the Hawk," "Journey to Oasis," "Mark of the Saurian," "The Hand of Goral" and "The Dorian Secret."

In addition, the laconic, but charismatic Hawk was a great addition to the cast of regulars (too bad he wasn't fleshed-out more as the season progressed).

But the inexplicable removal of the excellent Huer (Tim O'Connor) and his replacement with two okay-but-inferior characters, Admiral Asimov (Jay Garner) and the feeble, but likable Dr. Goodfellow (Wilfrid Hyde-White) was unfortunate. Then there's the temporary change in Twiki's voice from Mel Blanc's low tone to Bob Elyea's kiddie one, which was curious and unnecessary (it would only last five episodes). Lastly, the addition of the eye-rolling robot Crichton was a horrible decision.


Since I am neither a homophobe or a robophobe like the rest of you people seem to be, the obvious choice is Twiki.


No offense, but you seem to be a heterophobe.


I'm a phobophobe.


