MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > For those of you that have seen the movi...

For those of you that have seen the movie

What would you give it on a scale of 1-10 and why?
Was it better than Man of Steel? (2013)
Was it better than Super Returns? (2006)


It's miles better than Superman Returns and still better than Man Of Steel. Although that's still a fine film.


8 for me.
Yes and yes.


I would rate it a 7. Maybe I would have called it an 8 when it first came out, but I was always a bit put off by the comic Luthor and the time-reversal ending.

I never considered Superman Returns more than a 5 for pure mediocrity.

Man of Steel annoyed me enough that I can't rate it above 3. As gray as it looked - It never felt particularly warm or exciting or anything at all... then the events of Superman II were crammed in, a city got smashed and Superman broke a guys neck. If Superman was going to do that, it would have been nice to have it happen two or three films into a series so we could establish that he was breaking a significant moral code.


7/10, but then I'm not a Superman fan. Better than Returns, and about the same as MOS although this gets its rating for story and overall characterisation, whereas MOS gets its rating for Michael Shannon, Antje Traue, and overall spectacle.
