MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > Anyone else see this when it came out?

Anyone else see this when it came out?

I was 9 years old when it came out. My father was a big Superman fan. S I remember sitting in the theater transfixed when the musical score began. Good memory!


Oh yeah, it was a big deal back then. It’s not like now when there are a dozen superhero movies released each year. It was also more impressive to see the practical effects then to watch all the CGI now.


I definitely did. I was a young kid. SUCH a great movie, still holds up today.


I did. We went as a family.



In 1978, the year after the first Star Wars appeared, I was a 27-year-old guy who always loved Superman and I thought ... finally, a Superman done right!


I was very little (maybe 5 or 6) and only remember pieces of my theatrical viewing experience, but it was awesome. I remember the crowd going nuts when Clark Kent jumped over the train and when Superman saved Lois from…idk, the ground? Haven’t seen it in a long time but I remember the image of Superman getting the dirt off of her and trying to revive her. The crowd erupted in applause when the credits rolled and I remember there being loud conversations as we left the theatre.
