MovieChat Forums > The Last Waltz (1978) Discussion > Will music like this ever return?

Will music like this ever return?

For the most part I don't have any music that was made after 1984 and I was just thinking whouldn't it be nice if I could listen to something new that wasn't ashlee simpson, brittany spears, or eminime. All of this new wave of "artist" are well .....boring. It seems like everyone is ethier singing about how sexy they look or smacking some girls ass.I am 26 and when people my age come over they act like I am a grandpa when I play something that isn't full of profainity or have an dosen't have album cover that promises nudity.Is rock truly dead.



MTV killed music. They are to music what Fox Noise Channel is to journalism.


Music like this is still there, you just need to dig for it. Check out The Felice Brothers or The Duke & The King (eldest Felice brother's new band). Both from near Woodstock. The Felice Brothers in particular are a lot like The Band, mixing folk, rock, blues, etc., but they also have their own sound (a lot more lo fi). Both bands write really good lyrics.


Robbie Robertson's favourite band at the moment is a band called Bon Iver, they do very Band-esque stuff

No Justice Just Us


Tom Russell is a stunner.

It's a one-legged race to the liquor store
It's just a hop, skip and jump into the tomb



I'm listening to / watching The Last Waltz - right now, and the beauty bring tears to my eyes.

For the most part I don't have any music that was made after 1984 and I was just thinking whouldn't it be nice if I could listen to something new that wasn't ashlee simpson, brittany spears, or eminime. All of this new wave of "artist" are well .....boring. It seems like everyone is ethier singing about how sexy they look or smacking some girls ass.I am 26 and when people my age come over they act like I am a grandpa when I play something that isn't full of profainity or have an dosen't have album cover that promises nudity.Is rock truly dead.

Excellent points - thanks for this thread.

As an old guy (from the 70s) I'm very pleased to see so much appreciation for music of the 60s and 70s; gives me hope for the present and future.

Will music like this ever return?

I'm also pleasantly educated by the responses - pointing out that this kind of music - music "true"- from the heart and from the gut - is still being made ... I just need to look for it.

As long as there are artists that write and sing from their heart - from the center of their being - there will always be music like this.

And this art will be shared by more people if we all support these artists - put our attention (and a few bucks) into their work.

Thanks for all the suggestions.


I can't say rock music was bad after 1984. You had Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, The Cranberries, U2 etc.. However, after, maybe 2000, it seems like music took a direction I didn't like. I think I just don't like the style of new music, but some people do.
