I don’t know if it’s ‘damn good’ but as far as horror sequels go it’s a respectable effort with some great moments.
As others have pointed out, the first half kinda drags although it does set up the young characters which pays off later. They’re not drawn particularly well but they at least feel ‘real’.
The last half hour is where it really picks up and there’s some heavy tension, especially for a PG film. The deaths are never gory but you feel the loss of life. The girl who saves Sean getting devoured is actually quite disturbing even though there’s no blood, the shark goes for her while she’s screaming and she just disappears.
In fact one thing this film really nails is the terror and trauma of the young cast, waiting to be eaten. The first film has a lot more going for it and maintains a lighthearted ‘fun’ tone throughout the horror, this one leans into the darkness with kids mentally breaking down.
While I’m pleased they didn’t go for cheap splatter, I do think this one needed more gore. The first was PG despite severed legs, corpses with eyes gouged out, and of course one of cinema’s most disturbing deaths when Quint gets eaten alive, screaming and spewing blood from his mouth. There was nothing even close to that here, it would have been easy to add some gore and keep the PG rating.
Anyway, solid sequel and always nice to hang out with Brody and his refreshingly supportive, non-nagging wife.